One of my 'vices' is chatting with people on Internet Relay Chat. My normal (if you want to call it 'normal') channel is #europe (click for the #europe home page). I've been hanging out in the channel for several years now, since December of 1995.

My 'nick' in IRC is 'aClem.' People occasionally ask what it 'means' or where it came from. Way back when I was discovering the cyber-modem world, even before I discovered IRC, I had to choose a nickname for myself. I eventually settled on 'aClem' after I met some people whom I wanted to recognize me. The name itself comes from an old LP I had called 'I Think We're All Bozos on this Bus' by the Firesign Theater. The Firesign Theater was a group of 4 guys who recorded something that might be called comedy, but was pretty surreal. Probably their most famous 'bit' was 'Nick Danger, Third Eye.' Anyway, aClem (sometimes spelled 'uhClem) was a character in one of their records, a guy who takes a bus ride to the 'Future Fair' and while he's there, he breaks the 'President' (an interactive 'ride' of sorts) and generally causes havoc. I liked the nick because even though this record was done in the early 70s, it was extremely computer literate, and it still sounds as fresh as it did in '71. To find out more about the 'Firesign Theatre' click here.

I have had a lot of laughs, and a few other emotions I won't delve into. I have come to know lots of great people, and plenty of idiots as well, but you take the bad with the good. We've had several 'real life' meetings and encounters. So below are some pictures of the 'gang' from #europe who don't mind. At the end will be links to homepages of irc/#europe friends who are willing. Click on the pic to get the full picture.

Sis-, Orland0 & tin-ker, LadyDiane, Portsmouth group, Montreal group, Paranha

B-A-B-Y !!!!!!!!!!

Leech... (?)

Artbabe (oh yeah!)

Below, home pages of some of #europe's regulars

Dafadil's Home Page

Danel's Home Page

Rince's Home Page

Gonz's Home Page

Zanzifar's Home Page

Artbabe's Home Page