Yes, people. We had the much-awaited get together in Coffee Creek, California. From such
exotic ports as Christchurch, New Zealand, Dallas, Texas and Laytonville, California (by way of
Arcata) they came! Amazed that the place had electricity!! Here are some pictures. Nobody cares
about anything else anyway, right?
Figure 1: a forest fire on the way; Figure 2: Me at the Barbie; Figure 3: Dvine and wishie on a
log; Figure 4: Couch Potatoes
Figures 5...7: more couch potatoes; Figure 8: Rockin out in Coffee Creek
Figure 9: L to R: Charlie, me, Me, DV, Ras_p, wishie and duckie``
Figure 10: Me, Dvine, brother Tom, wishie, duckie`` and Ras_p
Figure 11: What is considered a 'full' dance floor in Coffee Creek
Figure 12: Pre-parting shot, cabin in the background
Figure 13: Parting shot #1;
Figure 14: Parting shot #2