Lost Without Your Love

"Broken Hearts Can Mend"

Have you ever felt lost?  Like you were on a ship

at sea in a storm and there was no one at the

wheel?  That was how I felt before I found you.

Your beautiful smile brightened the darkness

that threatened to engulf me. Your soft words

rang out to me over the confusion in my mind.

Your gentle ways calmed me when I had begun to

believe that the only emotion left in me was rage.

  And your love showed me that I could still love.

I know not what crimes against Heaven I had

committed to have had such torment as my

punishment ~ but I know I've been forgiven.

For God has sent to me an Angel of Mercy, to

soothe my pain and let me rest.  Her radiance

guides my way, and I am no longer lost.

Above Lovely Passage Written By

Sir Celtic Sorrows

Page Created in the Spirit of Friendship & Hope by:

~ Of Fire Born ~

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Music Choices:

 ~  I  Will Always Love You (background)  ~

Can You Feel the Love Tonight? ~ Bridge Over Troubled Waters