~ Welcome to Cool Oasis' Page! ~

Get Well Soon, Baby Trevor!

~ UPDATE:  15 APRIL 1999 ~

Little Trevor is finally home!  Despite two additonal hospitalizations

following his original release on January 27, 1999, this tough little feller

is home and eating well ~ and now tips scales at 9 pounds even!  Not bad

for a wee one who was born 3 and a half months prematurely on

October 14, 1998, weighing only 1 pound, 8 ounces, and only 12 inches long!

HEARTFELT thanks to all whose prayers helped a miracle happen!  And

please ~ assist us in keeping the miracle of caring for one another alive and

well by considering a donation to the trust fund set up by Trevor's home

town residents to help his Mommy and Daddy cover their astronomical

expenses incurred while Trevor grew well enough to come home!  The

address for his Trust Fund is:

The Trevor A. Varner Trust Fund

c/o The Juniata Valley Bank

McAlisterville, Pennsylvania 17049

Thank you ~ to each and every one of you!  You made a miracle HAPPEN!


~Our Voice in Prayer~

Kelly Kirkpatrick

Rest now, precious little one; dream deep and without fear,

for while you slumber we will come, in spirit hovering near.

Cuddling you in all our hearts and sending forth our prayers

that though you've had a rocky start, you'll soon be free of cares.

And that you'll now grow well and strong, and free from all alarm,

restored and back where you belong ~ safe in your Mother's arms.

For tiny one, she loves you so ~ just as we do her ;

she's loved you from the very moment she first felt you stir.

Deep within her soul and womb, where your life first took form,

and from which you emerged too soon - so anxious to be born!

But have no fear, thou treasured child ~ just rest and quickly heal,

as we look on and are beguiled by all you make us feel.

Take from us the strength and love we've gathered here to send,

as  to the One who rules above our voice in prayer we lend.

for little one, though you can't know how dearly we love you,

bask in this love's healing glow, and it will see you through.

Guarding as you slumber deep are angels ever near,

with them we, too, a vigil keep ~ suffer not one fear .

You'll soon be well and home with Mom; happy, snug, and warm,

to thrive and grow and become strong ~ forever safe from harm.

 ~ With Love and Prayers for Cool Oasis & Trevor ~

From your Online Family

December 18, 1998


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Page Theme Song ~ "Bridge Over Troubled Waters"

Created in the Spirit of Friendship & Love by

Of Fire Born