The West Highland White Terrier


The West Highland White Terrier is a small, game, well-balanced hardy looking terrier, exhibiting good showmanship, possessed with no small amount of self-esteem, strongly built, deep in chest and back ribs, with a straight back and powerful hindquarters on muscular legs, and exhibiting in marked degree a great combination of strength and activity.  The coat is about 2 inches long, white in color, hard, with plenty of soft undercoat.  The dog should be neatly presented, the longer coat on the back and sides, frimmed to blend into the shorter neck and shoulder coat.  Considerable hair is left around the head to act as a frame for the face to yield a typical Westie expression.

Shaped to present a round appearance from the front.  Should be in proportion to the body. 
Expression-Piercing, inquisitive, pert.  Eyes - Widely set apart, medium in size, almond shaped, dark brown in color, deep set, sharp and intelligent.  Looking from under heavy eyebows, they give a piercing look.  Eye rims are black.  Faults - Small, full or light colored eyes.  Ears - Small, carried tightly erect, set wide apart, on the top outer edge of the skull.  They terminate in a sharp point, and must never be cropped.  The hair on the ears is trimmed short and is smooth and velvety, free of fringe at the tips.  Black skin pigmentation is preferred.  Faults- Roundpointed, broad, large, ears set closely together, not held tightly erect, or placed too low on the side of the head.

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