Welcome to my Guestbook!

sweet tattoo - 12/10/00 05:10:19
My Email:webprowess@aol.com
Your favorite kind of music is:: country + rock + latin

real cool! good onya ray!!

- 03/30/99 02:15:03


Repo's Oldies But Goodies - 03/24/99 01:22:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/5697/index.html
My Email:ReposMusicSite@netscape.net
Your favorite kind of music is:: Oldies/DoWop

Ray: It takes time to get the site set-up. Have patience...you'll get there. Always remember...'Rome wasn't built in a day'. :-) Repo

Cookie - 03/20/99 06:49:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/6621/juke/deds.html
My Email:wcook@ifx.net
Your favorite kind of music is:: good ole R & R

Hi Silver, tried to send you email but came back -- so will tell you this way- click above URL and get your request for Hot Rod Lincoln-- later Cookie

- 02/23/99 05:02:07


* Athena~ - 02/23/99 04:43:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/8725/
My Email:for_athena@hotmail.com
Your favorite kind of music is:: just about anything EXCEPT that twagny country shit!

You put that twangy country shit on your jukebox!!....AHHHHHHH!!!...holds hands over ears till it's over

*~Dominique~* - 12/06/98 19:20:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/3732
My Email:kmast@hotmail.com
Your favorite kind of music is:: Any

I'm finally getting around to doing this, love the page and the music. Looks really good.

ds - 11/15/98 22:45:28
My URL:http://www.shuilongs.com
My Email:shuilong@shuilongs.com
Your favorite kind of music is:: all

It's coming along nicely. I like the musical note background.

Baby Blue M&M here! - 11/14/98 00:47:33
My Email:tedesco@sjsu.du
Your favorite kind of music is:: Anything but country!!

Great Job Ray I just wish I could listen!! Thanks for all your help and effort this week! ~ct~ :-)

Tune Lady(f( - 11/13/98 14:24:34
My Email:tunelady@theoffice.net
Your favorite kind of music is:: Any....cept rap and heavy metal....

Your site looks good and the music...well....as soon as I get my speakers fixed I know I'll enjoy it....good work tho...~hug~ Tunes

Ray Himself! - 11/13/98 02:49:31
My Email:Sure, love to get mail!
Your favorite kind of music is:: Rock 'n Roll with a Bluesy Twinge

This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been an actual Guestbook Signing... someone besides me would have done it! :-)

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