Surfing with the Bard is the best Shakespeare site I've seen--easy to navigate, a lovely sense of humor, and really useful information.
This page offers a huge collection of Shakespeare information.
You can find more Skakespeare on this great site.
Bruce Spielbauer, a teacher in the ChicagoLand area, has put together Shakespeare for the Rest of Us. This is a great resource for both the teacher and student of Shakepseare. Spielbauer has put together a workingman's Shakespeare--one that everyone can understand.
Take a glance at the reconstructed Globe Theater
Or for another perspective click here.
Falcon Education Linkscontains some great materials on Hamlet and Macbeth and--as I say on my Education Links Page--one of the coolest Shakespeare images around. It is also a great K-12 educational resource.
Shakespeare's Diary gives a first-hand view of what it might have been like to be the bard.
Romeo and Juliet peripheral information
Julius Caesar
Peripheral Julius Caesar info
Many people believe that someone other than Shakespeare wrote all thos plays and poems. Find out what they think on the Shakespeare Author Problem Page.
At this site you can learn what words are used most frequently in Macbeth, Hamlet, and Lear. Useless info, but interesting. Know what I mean?
You can even let the Bard Insult you.
Novels and Plays / Mythology / Poetry / Education Links / Games and Puzzles and Stuff/