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Here are some links to great writing sites.


First and foremost is Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, the source for sayings for all occasions.

Strunk and White's classic "how-to" book The Elements of Style will offer timeless advice for your writing woes.

Can't find the bon mot? Check out Roget's Internet Thesaurus

Essay Writing

Writing essays constitutes a large portion of high school writing curriculum, especially in Illinois where ISAT tests carry so much weight. Below are some basic, easy-to-navigate essay sites to help the struggling student.

Kathy Livingston's Guide to Writing a Basic Essay is a great place to start.

The Writing Page gives us the essay in its most basic form. Learn about Writing the Five-Paragraph Essay. ISAT teachers and students take note.

On a more sophisticated level, you can visit this site which discusses Writing the Argumentative Essay.

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to College Writing boasts great information on essay writing but make sure you take note of the frame on the left!

Writing Assistance

Inkspot provides a myriad of writing links and exercises for the aspiring author.

Paradigm offers assistance with more technical forms of writing, while the Purdue OWL can give the on-line writer valuable tips.

Robert Harris has compiled a rather lengthy compendium of Rhetorical Devices, which may help the aspiring author.

Research and Journal Publication Guides

(or research paper formats for you high school students!)
We use the American Psychological Association (APA) guides for preparing research papers. This APA site presents a paper about APA style written in APA style. While the APA FAQ is the Association's list of common questions and answers about their research guides. These sites all relate to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th Edition.

While APA is the prevalent style in education, some instructors still require the Modern Language Association (MLA) guides, while others still believe that Turabian is the best style.

Information Resources

A good writer needsa some good reference sources. Here is a short list of some great information repositories.

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