William Congreve

Song | Song | Untitled


Pious Selinda goes to prayers,
If I but ask the favour;
And yet the tender fool's in tears,
When she believes I'll leave her.

Would I were free from this restraint,
Or else had hopes to win her;
Would she could make of me a saint,
Or of I her a sinner.

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See, see, she wakes, Sabina wakes!
And now the sun begins to rise;
Less glorious is the morn that break
From his bright beams than her fair eyes.

With light united,day they give,
But different fates ere night fulfill.
How many by his warmth will live!
How many will her coldness kill!

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False though she be to me and love,
I'll ne'er pursue revenge;
For still the charmer I approve,
Though I seplore her change.

In hours of bliss we oft have met;
They could not always last:
And though the present I regret,
I'm grateful for the past.

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