Mrs. Crawford

We Parted In Silence

We parted in silence, we parted by night,
On the banks of that lonely river;
Where the fragrant limes their boughs unite,
We met - and we parted forever!
The night-bird sung, and the stars above
Told many a touching story,
Of friends long passed to the kingdom of love,
Where the soul wears its mantle of glory.

We parted in silence - our cheeks were wet
With the tears that were past controlling;
We vowed we would never - no, never forget,
And those vows at the time were consoling;
But those lips that echoed the wounds of mine
Are as cold as that lonely river;
And that eye, that beautiful spirit's shrine,
Has shrouded its fires forever.

And now on the midnight sky I look,
And my heart grows full of weeping;
Each star is to me a sealed book,
Some tale of that loved one keeping.
We parted in silence - we parted in tears,
On the banks of that lonely river:
But the color and bloom of those bygone years
Shall hang o'er it's waters forever.

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