Elizabeth Thomas

Remedia Amoris | The Forsaken Wife | To Colindra

Remedia Amoris

Love, and the Gout invade the idle Brain,
Bus'ness prevents the Passion and the Pain:
Ceres, and the Bacchus, envious of our Ease,
Blow up the Flame, and heighten the Disease.
Withdraw the Fewel, and the Fire goes out;
Hard Beds, and Fasting, cure both Love and

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The Forsaken Wife

Methinks, 'tis strange you can't afford
One pitying look, one parting Word;
HUMANITY claims this as due,
But what's HUMANITY to you?

Cruel Man! I am not Blind,
Your Infidelity I find;
Your want of Love, my Ruin shows,
My broken Heart, your broken Vows.
Yet Maugre all your rigid Hate,
I will be TRUE in spite of Fate;
And one Preheminence I'll claim,
To be for ever still the same.

Show me a Man that dare be TRUE,
That dares to suffer what I do;
That can for ever Sigh unheard,
And ever Love without Regard:
I then will own your Prior Claim
To LOVE, to HONOUR, and to FAME:
But 'till that time, my Dear, adieu,
I yet SUPERIOR am to you.

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To Colindra

Love without Hope is like Breath without Air,
An impossible Joy, a ridiculous Care;
Yet Cupid, like Alchimy runs us a-ground,
In quest of Projection which never was found:
And tho' numberless Ruins around you may view,
Yet so pleasing's the Madness, their Steps you pursue.

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