
Accoutrement | A Must Be Able To Protect You | I Want To Love You Very Much


But lovers are like umbrellas arnt they?
They're like gloves
They cover you up, they keep you warm
They look so good, they fit so nice
they shield you.
Then you leave them on a train
You think `How did I manage that?'
And `I didn't like them anyway.'
Or `I've lost them.'

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I Must Be Able To Protect You


I must be able to protect you.
Protecting you is my protection
from myself


The wall I have built around myself from
the world,
does not allow even you to penetrate.
If you want to come in
through the wall
that I have built around you you must
enter, through me.

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I Want To Love You Very Much

I want to love you very much

You ask for my love
I am afriad to give what I have
A gentle animal leans on my arm
I hurt you
You look at me with wounded eyes
I slap you
You beg for my love
I leave you.

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