days go by
and i still expect to see you
silhouetted against the black sofa
smiling as i kissed you hello
grasping my hand so hard,
as if to show that although the body was weak,
you had strength
i picture you now
beaming at us
stroking my mother's hair
kissing my cheek
telling me of things you'd built
and work you'd done
and i still expect to hear you
your gruff voice telling me you love me
the look in your eyes reassuring me
that you know i love you, too
even when you can't hear me
saying the words
i wish i could have known you long ago
i would have loved to learn so much from you
i know you are at peace
but my world is in chaos
it feels wrong to cry when i know
this was what you'd wanted -
rest for a weary body -
but i have to cry, for me
for the loss i feel, the love i feel

Jacob Kurt Stern
30 July 1906 - 3 April 1998

may his memory be for a blessing

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