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How come some registration NUMBERS have letters in them?
- Contributed by The Duke of Endor
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    Advertising Autos, Food, Household, Hygiene, Logos, Packaging, Slogans, Soft Drinks, Other
    Animals Birds, Cats, Chickens, Cows/Horses, Dog Related, Dogs, Ducks/Geese, Fish, Insects-Flying, Insects-Other, Pigs/Sheep, Reptiles, Wild-Large, Wild-Small, Other
    Body Parts Arms/Legs, Body, Ears, Eyes, Hair, Head, Nose, Teeth
    Business Hotels/Convenience Stores, Restaurants-Fast Food, Restaurants-Other, Signs, Other
    Clothing Shirts/Pants, Shoes/Socks, Suits/Dresses, Underwear, Other
    Education Chemistry, Geography, History, Homework/Exams, Intelligence, Knowledge, Mathematics, Physics-Movement, Physics-Other, Stupidity, Subjects, Teachers/Schools, Other
    Emotion Anger/Fear, Arguments, Laughter, Love, Solitude, Other
    Employment Bosses, Co-Workers, Meetings, Productivity, Resume, Speeches/Reports, Success, Work Place, Other
    Entertainment Cartoons, Cartoons-Disney, Radio, TV, TV-Drama/Mystery, TV-Other Shows, TV-Sitcoms, TV-Talk/Game Shows, Other
    Events Christmas, Halloween, Holidays, Thanksgiving, Vacations, Weddings, Other
    Extra-Terrestrial Aliens, Movies, Space, Stars/Planets, Universe
    Financial Banks/Loans/Credit, Debt, Losses, Money, Money-Coins, Status, Thriftness, Other
    Food Baking/Bread/Cereal, Beer/Wine/Liquor, Chocolate, Coffee/Tea, Cookies/Candy, Dessert/Snacks, Fruit, Meat/Fish, Milk/Cream/Cheese, Soda Pop/Juice, Spices/Condiments, Vegetables/Salads, Water/Ice, Other
    Government Depts/Agencies, Elections, Politicians, Social Benefits, Taxes, Wars, Other
    Habits Responses, Other
    Handicapped Blind, Deaf, People, Other
    Health Death, Diet, Disease, Exercize, Illness, Medicine, Prevention, Smoking, Other
    Household Bathroom, Bedrooms, Cleaning/Maintenance, Doors/Windows, Electronics, Furnishings/Appliances, Kitchen, Laundry, Lawn/Yard, Shopping, Walls/Floors, Other
    Items Batteries/Flashlights, Books, Clocks, Insurance, Mirrors, Office Supplies, Photographs, Signs/Toys, Toilets, Tools, Other
    Justice Courts, Police, Other
    Language Definitions, Dictionary, Phrases, Poetry, Pronunciation, Structure, Words, Other
    Miscellaneous Actions, Advice, Cannibalism, Dreams, Fire, Lost Items, Measurement, Numbers, Truth, Other
    Movies Action Thriller, Adventure, Horror/Suspense, Superheros, Other
    Occupations Cowboys, Entertainer, Environment, Legal, Medical, NewsReporters, Pilots/Postal, Psychics, Research, Sales/Trades, Other
    People Ancestors, Babies, Children, Females, Friends, Males, Men/Women, Names, Origins, Parents, Poor, Protestors, Seniors, Siblings, Spouse, Teenagers/Middle Age, Other
    Philosophy Life, Quotes, Quotes-Actions, Quotes-People, Quotes-Things, Things, Thinking, Yourself, Other
    Places Churches, Cities, Countries-Eastern, Countries-Western, Elevators/Escalators, Hospitals, Landmarks, Prov/States, Other
    Recreation Dancing, Drawing, Gambling [SSR], Gardening, Golfing, Hunting/Fishing, Jogging/Hiking, Music, Musical Instruments, Songs, Swimming, Other
    Situation Luck, Mistakes, Sleep, Trouble
    Sports Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey/Soccer/Tennis, Olympics, Other
    Technology Computers, Email, Hardware, Internet, Software, Telephones, Webpage, Other
    Time Days/Months, Past, Usage, Other
    Travel Air Safety, Airplanes, Airports, Auto Design, Auto Safety, Autos, Boats, Busses/Taxies/Trains, Garages, Highways, Parking Lots, Road Signs, Traffic, Traffic Lights, Other
    Weather Disasters, Hot/Cold, Rain, Wind/Storms, Winter, Other
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