Warren County
Educational Endowment, Inc.
P.O. Box 1314, Front Royal, VA 22630
Grants Awarded
- $8,000 to E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School for a "Kids Club" after school program.
- $5,368 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School.
- $3,000 to Warren County Athletics Department for a coaches program.
- $600 to Ressie Jefferies Elementary School for four 55-minute presentations by a professional author.
- $1,000 to Ressie Jefferies Elementary School for Brain Gym training.
- $2,000 to Warren County High School for a 2-day seminar: National Federation of Interscholastic Coaches Educational Program.
- $1,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for Phonic Ear System.
- $1,556 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for Literature books.
- $2,590 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for Science books.
- $600 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for local children's author visit.
- $1,090 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for Leap Pad learning system & books: Think & Go Phonics; Leap Frog Phonics; batteries & case.
- $1,000 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for professional staff reading materials.<
LI>$1,460 to Warren County School Administration Board for 50 books: "The First Days of School" & supplies.
- $3,000 to Warren County High School for a horticulture program (greenhouse).
- $1,000 to Warren County High School for a Roman archaeological dig.
- $1,000 to Warren County High School for a campus beautification program.
- $1,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for "Yello Dyno Pro" school wide personal safety program.
- $3,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a Team Mentor Program: retired teachers mentor new teachers.
- $890 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a Ken-A-Vision Microprojector.
- $2,000 to Warren County Middle School for poet/playwright, Norman Jordan, to provide a writing workshop and living history of Carter Woodson.
- $1,686 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for instructional games.
- $1,000 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for a school garden.
- $3,000 to Warren County High School for eight piano keyboards, headphones, mics, and.
- $600 to Warren County High School for an art exhibit and horticultural space.
- $838 to Warren County Junior High School for two piano keyboards, headphones, mics, and stands.
- $2,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a weather station.
- $5,500 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a writing workshop: Rap, Rhythm, and Rhyme.
- $551 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a seven year character education program.
- $750 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for weather instruments.
- $2,500 to Warren County Middle School for a composer to work with approximately 150 band students for a three day period.
- $2,000 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for guitars, storage, stands, stools, and sheet music.
- $1,050 to Warren County High School for a talking word processor, scan/read aloud software, phonemic instructional software, and a graphic organizer.
- $2,437 to Ressie Jeffries Elementary School for Reading Renaissance training of entire teaching staff.
- $1,012 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for Tech-works program.
- $1,012 to E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School for Tech-works program.
- $2,173 to Warren County Junior High School for a piano keyboard lab.
- $1,166 to Warren County Middle School for Second Step violence prevention program.
- $500 to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School for student reading packets.
- $2,000 to Warren County High School for students to attend a model United Nations at George Washington University.
- $1,500 to Warren County Middle School for composer, Dr. Quincy Hillard, to work with approximately 150 band students for a three day period.
- $750 to Warren County High School for writer's retreat workshops.
- $1,500 to Warren County High School to promote anti-bias/peaceful classrooms. Application from students.
- $2,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a kindergarten teacher to attend phonics workshop in order to hold learning seminars for other teachers.
- $2,500 to All Elementary Schools: "Rap, Rhythm, and Rhyme" program to improve children's verbal and writing skills.
- $700 to E.Wilson Morrison Elementary School for Virginia history speakers, field trips, and materials.
- $500 to Warren County High School to purchase internet and telephone connections.
- $1,721 to Warren County Middle School for a summer workshop for teachers�software and workbooks.
- $2,000 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for staff training on newly acquired computer equipment.
- $750 to Hilda Barbour Elementary School for young author celebration.
- $200 to E.Wilson Morrison Elementary School for students to attend a play at the Shenandoah University.
- $2,000 to Warren County High School to upgrade graphic art computers.
- $1,800 to Warren County Middle School to begin a 90 day tutor monitor program from 6:30-8:00 a.m.
- $1,300 to Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School for a phonics consultant to train K-2 teachers.
- $500 to Warren County High School for science demonstration materials.
- $1,748 to E.Wilson Morrison Elementary School for a teaching tolerance program
- $1,587 to Warren County High School for a parent involvement program
The Warren County Educational Endowment, Inc. (WCEE) views education as important enough to establish a fund to endow our public schools. You can make a statement about how you view education in Warren County by giving financially to the WCEE.
Board of Directors
Joseph F. Silek Jr., SECRETARY
Carol S. Dodson, TREASURER
Mary Anne Biggs
James C. Davis
Jennifer Schaefer
Dr. R. Mark Jordon
Michael Kitts
Marjorie Martin
Charlie Sackett
Richard H. Traczyk
Richard Martin
G. Alan Wimer
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