Warren County
Educational Endowment, Inc.

P.O. Box 1314, Front Royal, VA 22630

Programs Supported

The WCEE, for the children of the Warren County Public Schools, is to be administered directly by the WCEE Board, with the assistance of the Warren County Public School Administration. This endowment is to be invested and income is to be used to help with projects such as those described below. It is to be used to directly assist in improving the education of children of the Warren County Public Schools. The projects will change from time to time as the WCEE Board and the Warren County Public School Board and Administration work together to focus on needs and develop relevant and appropriate projects. It is to be a Permanent endowment fund, which means the principal is never spent�only the income.

Visiting Scholar and Artist Program

Under this program, scholars and artists from across the country will be brought into the schools to work directly with students through discussion and demonstrations that are related to curricular topics or to provide performances and workshops in the arts. These are one or multi-day activities and may include an event lecture open to the public. To be included in these presentations are workshops on topics such as the environment, the Civil War anthropology, Shakespeare, creative writing, quilting, etc. Generally, through small group interaction, the scholar or artist will engage in dialogue and hands-on activities with the students that will extend and enrich the student�s learning experiences.

Professional Development Program

WCEE hoped to provide the funds necessary to support teachers and administrators who design their own unique plan for professional development. Uses of this fund may include attendance at seminars and workshops sponsored by universities and other educationally oriented organizations that enable them to study with recognized authorities in their field of specialization or to have active experiences in research or exploration of a specific interest area. Successful applicants will be awarded grants and thereby receive a special opportunity over and above what can normally be offered through the school system. The WCEE Professional Development Program will be a valuable incentive in the recruitment of new teachers and administrators because it is a benefit that is not readily available elsewhere. The growth and rejuvenation that participants will experience will be passed on to students and their colleagues in many ways, thus fulfilling the philosophy behind all of the WCEE projects that a direct benefit to one person will be compounded into a benefit for many others.

Enrichment Parenting Program

The WCEE Enrichment Parenting Program plans to provide funding to support classes in active parenting for parents of children in the elementary schools. By helping parents who are in need of assistance with how to help their children learn, this program will have far reaching effects. When the Professional Development Program and the Enrichment Parenting Program are shown to be effective and successful, their inclusion in the normal budget of the school system can then be implemented as proven programs and the WCEE can then pursue other worthwhile projects.

Extended Learning Program

This program is intended to provide specific, enriched learning experiences for students, primarily in the elementary schools outside of the regular school day. It is intended to provide opportunities in academic learning areas such as foreign languages, mathematics, science, technology, language arts, social studies, and fine arts. It is considered to be an enrichment program envisioned for students who are highly motivated to pursue such additional instruction, but is to be accessible to all students. This program is intended to allow the use of the community's personnel and cultural resources in concert with those within the Warren County Public School System for extended, in-depth learning experiences.

WCEE Home Page | Mission | Programs Supported | Guiding Principles |
Grants Awarded | Grant Application Form | Request Form |
Levels of Giving | Pledge Form | Links | Board of Directors

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