Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
Myth - Legend - Cultures - Genealogy - Misfits - And More

Native American Burrow

Alpha Couple

We are the Alpha Couple in charge of this Burrow.

Burrow Organization

We've organized the Burrow's documents into the following structure:

Burrow -- General Area of the Den

Where you are now -- the Native American Burrow.

However, you are welcome to stroll around to wherever your heart and curiosity take you. Enjoy your visit. You are always welcome!

Lodges -- Category Structures

Our Burrow is divided into one or more Lodges. They aren't real lodges, of course, but they are buildings that have been architecturally designed to look like a typical Native American lodge. We have a ceremonial lodge where we keep biographical information and a sweat lodge where we keep information about Native American beliefs.

Sections -- Subject Matter Containers

Lodges are divided into one or more Sections. They allow us to organize various documents by subject matter.

Most of our documents are bound in leather straps and stored in large pottery jars. The jars allow us to protect the documents from the weather. Some single page documents are placed in cardboard boxes and stored on wood shelves.

Some sections have more documents than others.

Documents -- Web Pages

We've collected a number of documents that deal with the cultural and spiritual aspects of some of the indigenous people of North America. These might be written on paper or pieces of bison hide.

Most of these documents are meant to be read individually, but a few are part of a longer "article" and should be read sequentially. We'll always tell you which kind they are.

What Next?

Lodges are the next lower level in the Native American Burrow. For now, we've setup the following Lodges:

Biography Lodge

If you are interested in the indigenous people of North America, stop by the Biography Lodge to learn something about them. We've converted an old ceremonial lodge into a sort of Hall of Fame of Native Americans. Step inside and meet some of the people of the Cheyenne, Nez Perce, Sioux, Paiute, and Shoshone nations.

Beliefs Lodge

If you are more interested in what the native people believe, you'll find the Beliefs Lodge interesting. Although the biographies tell you facts about the people, studying their beliefs lets you experience the depth of who they are. And what better place to store documents about their beliefs than in a converted sweat lodge?

Have a pleasant day!

Photo of a fox
Step inside the
Fox's Den and
visit some of
his burrows.