Silver and Gold

Silver and Gold

This page is dedicated to the hope of, and search for evidence of, a relationship or attraction between Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager and Seven of Nine, her astrometrics officer. If this offends you, or if there is for any reason a law prohibiting you from viewing this site, you have my condolences, but please leave. Everyone else, enjoy!

Photo Gallery - Be warned: I am the Caption Queen! You will be amused. Annoyance is irrelevant.


Captain's Quarters
The Pink Rabbit Consortium

WE'VE BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED! Yes, it's true, my fellow J/7-ers! In a recent interview, when asked about romance in the Captain's future, Kate Mulgrew said that it probably wouldn't be Seven of Nine, although she knew that there was a certain faction that would love to see that happen. Now, on the surface, this doesn't seem so impressive. I mean, after all, she vetoed the idea, didn't she? However, she acknowledged our existance! Also, she vetoed the idea of a relationship between Janeway and Chakotay, but there're still rumors and longings relating to that little pairing. *squeal!*
