Requirements of an Orangeman


1. A Professing Christian....he follows the Golden Rule in all his personal and business affairs

2. A Protestant.....he upholds the great Protestant Principal of Freedom of Conscience for all people.

3. A Loyal Subject of Her Majesty the Queen of Canada...his allegiance is unswerving and unlimited. He regards the Throne as the centre of secular power, justice and the law.

4. A Good Citizen...he is law-abiding. He respects and observes all laws.

5. A Good Neighbour...he is concerned with the welfare of man

6. Generous and Charitable...he is generous not only with his worldly goods. But also with his time, his thoughts and his deeds.

7. A Leader........he prepares himself for the responsibilities of leadership

8. Informed and Vigilant....he is aware and responsible to events and issues around him.

9. A Loving and Responsible Parent..he accepts total responsibility for the support, health and education of his children.

10. Honours and Glorifies in his Heritage and his country Canada...he accepts his origins as part of himself as an extension of his forefathers.

11. A Gentleman...he respects the sanctity of women and defends their rights.

12. A Brother.....he practices the highest level of fraternalism in the tradition of his lodge.

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