This Month's Macbeth Feature >>

Lady Macbeth...

The very name of Lady Macbeth conjures a legion of evil associations, for the female protagonist of Shakespeare's Scottish Tragedy has come to represent feminine treachery. Lady Macbeth's ambition, her duplicity, and, the unnatural absence, indeed, the outright rejection, of such female values as compassion and nurturance mark her as a heartless villain, more monster than woman. It is, of course, Lady Macbeth herself who spawns the plot to kill Duncan, who determines the setting and the specific actions through which this bloody deed will take place. The speech in which she "de-sexes" herself (Act I, scene v.) is one of the most frightening expressions of unnatural evil in all of Shakespeare's works, ranking alongside the evil speeches of Iago, Richard III and the bastard Edmund of King Lear.


Attention: The Othello Page is now more than just the Othello Page -- I'm featuring essays on the following plays courtesy of All Shakespeare: This month's essays:

As You Like It
Antony and Cleopatra
Henry IV
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Merchant of Venice
Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
Richard III
The Tempest
Twelfth Night

Other Macbeth Links: Macbeth Summary, Macbeth Essays, and Shakespeare Macbeth Quotes, at All Shakespeare.

Themes --of the play at this site. A diamond in the rough!

Check out Bookwolf. Bookwolf rules!

Macbeth -- at about Shakespeare

Macbeth at Enotes -- a sleek site!

Macbeth at Owleyes -- gotta love the owl.

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