Healing By Design™
Something about Raymond Royal Rife 1.
Explain in your own words the development, implications and applications of Rife
Technology to demonstrate that you understand the justification, value, uses and
possibilities of the Rife apparatus. Development: After the discoveries of
Einstein (Relativity Theory) that change our view on matter on the conventional
Newton Physics and the work of Faraday and Maxwell, as seen the
Energy Medicine history, brought us to the Universal and Human Force/Life
Fields. The electro-magnetical
property of all non-living and living was established, where energy and
information and matter are interchangeable with the continues setting of order
by structure and patterns of atoms, sub-atoms and particles. Communicating this
vibrational energy to the body brings healing, as organs and energy centres are
brought into it’s unique code/frequency by means of some of the modalities of
energy medicine, we have treated up to now (Acupress-/puncture, Herbalism,
homeopathy, Quantum touch, etc. Now Nikoli Tesla
experimented (and did he!) to transmit power wirelessly and tried this with the
electro-dynamo. The way was opened to think about transferring electro-magnetic
energy. Remember energy is information and visa versa. Royal Raymond Rife was the
inventor of the Universal Microscope
which he presented to the world in 1933. Besides being the most powerful optical
microscope ever made up to that time, it was also the most versatile. The
Universal used all types of illumination:
polarised, monochromatic or white light, dark field, slit ultra and infra-red.
According to a report submitted to the Journal of the Franklin Institute it had
a magnification of 60,000x, and a resolution of 31,000x. . Rife was able to determine
the exact electrical frequency that
destroyed the individual micro-organisms responsible for cancer, herpes, TB
and other illnesses. Different machines
developing, HV Plasma system, Contact Systems, etc. Implications: If we could identify the
frequency to destroy (higher amplitudes) or harmonise (cells, viruses, organs,
etc.) to heal the human body we can bring an end to disease and have a balanced
body as part of our overall well-being. We could bring and end to
expensive and limit/end the harmful effects of drugs. Quality of file for
sufferers would be greatly improved. Applications: Applying this in the
medicine world, even just as an alternative or assisting medical science, could
bring a big difference. Enhance: Together with nutrition,
this treatment will enhance:
Justification: Electro-magnetic treatment
of the body is cheaper than conventional methods like chemo for cancer. There
are no bad effects to the body (other than detoxification increase by the proper
working of organs). This treatment is in much shorter period and increments.
Some testimonies, are witnessing to 3 times at few minutes (15 – 30min). No
other additional preparations, other that possible correcting the ph balance in
the body by nutrients for better “conductivity” Value: Going through my own life
with experiences of “renal failures and cancer” this is defiantly a more
dignified way of treatment and your experience of quality of life rise.
Well, I think is almost
endless!. But with cancer, diabetes, AIDS and arthritis, it covering quit a
lot!. I myself suffered fro Reiter’s Syndrome[1],
and was told it’s incurable. Well, just with homeopathy we have it 95% under
control. I cannot wait to see what this will do for me. Possibilities The possibilities are
endless. We can “cure” and “treat” a big presentation of people, at
cheaper rates, shorter time and less effort. Accessibility to rural areas by
training more people ( not necessary to have a doctoral degree or study 7
years). Medical Societies should be more interested in this, by saving huge
which is also a benefit for them and members. 2. Give an overview of the electro-medicine[2]
through the ages[3]
in order to conceptualise[4]
Rife Technology. Since the use of bracelets,
necklaces magnetic loadstones for well-being in the 9000 BC and the the greek
custom of the seashore treatment, the
early and mid 20 century use of Violet Ray technology was the fore-runner of
what we know today as Electro(Bio)Therapy(Medicine). In the modern sense, there
is for me only three mayor “discoveries”:
If molecules/cells of the
body, has its own signature/vibration, which can emit and absorb through
resonance electromagnetic and sound energy. It is now possible since 1929, to
treat disease/pathogens with this apparatus, by transmitting the specific
frequency to the organ or cell/microbe to heal or destroy. Biological molecules, cell
membrane, proteins, enzymes and Nucleic Acids are Liquid Crystals’ which is conducive
to these (square) waves to create harmonics. Cell membranes and DNA
serve as are natural resonators History: 6000 - BC -
Bracelets, etc. 1929 – Rife see
virus and changing forms with Universal Microscope 1969 – Body has LC’s that has electronic capability
to resonate to certain frequencies like antennas 1973 - 1973 – DNA and cell membranes are holographic
projectors (Miller & Webb) 1973 – The bio-hologram and neuro-endocrine
coordination system align and link cellular holograms with the whole system
(Miller & Webb) 1973 – Biochemical changes can be accomplished by the
DNA and cell membrane by utilising different frequencies of the EM spectrum.
(Miller & Webb) 1980 – Signal Transduction from hormones, drugs and electric
fields to cells 1980 - Resonant
communication inside cells 1985 – The electrical currents in the body is the
healing and health control system of the body (Becker) 1986 – Frequency modulation of cells (Dallos &
Russel) 1989 – Changes occur in the HEF before in the
physical field (Hunt) 1989 – Signal induction (Tsong) 1990 - Violet Ray Technology (Tesla’s coil) low
current high frequency 1990 – Body has a DC electric field (Robert Becker) 1990 – Electromagnetic signals can acts like chemical
signals 1992 – Intercellular space 1992 – Regeneration by bioelectric signals (Becker) 1993 – Cellular tuning by cells (Adey) 1993 – Electroporation – external molecules gain
access to cell interior (Glogauer) 1996 – Specific frequency-
and amplitude windows have reported effect on biological tissues (Postow,
Swicord and Adey) 1996 – Signal tuning of incoming frequencies and
tuning it to resonate (Charman) 1998 - Cooperative
behaviour of complex LC’s structures 1998 – Energy and Information can be absorbed when
cell are resonated with specific frequencies 1998 – Cellular radio ability of cells (since 1981
Adey) 1998 – Electro-conformational coupling(Derenyi &
Adtumain) 2004 – Electric field can increase membrane capacity
(Antov) 2007 - Wireless power transmission accordinng to Popular Mechanics Magazine 3. The Establishment often tends to suppress a
technological breakthrough that is not in line with conventional medicine.
Provide an overview to explain why Rife Technology took such a long time
to gain popularity. The profitable drug money
making racket! Reading some (there are
quite a lot) of the articles on the internet of the Raymond Rife and his work,
makes me to think of the days I read books on The Conspiracy Theories”! Since his breakthrough, in
being able to identify the cancer virus (BX) with is own invented 6 000 parts
microscope he proved that the cancer micro-organism has 4 forms. He could change the BX
virus back and forth in 36 hours and duplicated it 300 times. Totally against current
thought (besides the Newton Physics side) of Monomorphism of Pasteur, that there
is basically one micro-organism that cause each of the different disease and one
bug, he found something different. By
using a darkfield condenser, they
could see different forms changing before their eyes.
Leading from this, he was able to isolate the BX virus in 1953 he
declared successful tests after conducting it 400 times with experimental
animals, using this frequencies. The same with the 16 cases
of cancer cases cured in 120 days working with respected researchers and doctors
in Unfortunately, Rife’s
scientific approach was against orthodox
views and his worked was stopped. The AMA took him and his associates to
court (which led to his alcohol problem), those
who didn’t stop using the Frequency Instrument would loose their medical
license, supporters died under mysterious circumstances, records of his work
were destroyed and medical journals was not permitted to print any article of
Rife’s work. The American Medical Association, which was guarding it’s interest together with the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical
companies was pushing the chemo process of healing, which of cause involves
drugs. The American Cancer Society was a big money public fraud, because the FDA
was owned by cancer monopolies and the media was silent. That was now the
polities of health and all grants (money) was channeled to pro-chemo therapists,
while half-million Americans was dying per year.![5] The other factor, which in
my opinion played a role in delaying the acceptance of this technology, was the quackery
which developed after the hilarious ways
were found to generate and apply electric potentials, both static and
alternating, which were applied seemingly haphazardly to patients.[6]
Apparently, they came up with more and
more bizarre gadgets that give the wearer electric shocks to relieve back pain,
weird Tesla and Oudin oil contraptions that bathed people in showers of high
frequency sparks, magnetic and electric jewellery and so on.[7] Can
you imagine!. The article further reports, It
was only a matter of time before it became obvious to anyone other that hard
core fanatics that these kind of devices were at best useless and in most cases
seriously dangerous.[8] The production of inferior machines (like Hoyland) steal Rife reputation
as it did not render similar results and the consequent bankruptcy
caused by lawsuits (Hoyland). Obviously then the
consequent alcohol problem of Rife
causing his depression and discouragement[9]. Normally, a man’s
success, would market his product or service by the reports and “word of mouth
of his friend and colleagues. In Rife case, many of them were murdered and disappeared. To name a few, Dr
Nemes, Cooperson, Clayton, Johnson’s and Dr Arthur Kendal sudden
retirement to Mexico as George Dock and the three year imprisonment of
Crane, assassination attempt in 1945 of Dr Raymond Seidel and mission newpaper
editions which reported Rife’s work !.[10] This all delayed the time
for this technology to gain popularity. However, we see a revival
somewhere around 1986 with the publication of the book by Barry Lynes The
Cancer Cure that worked. 4. Explain the following
terms in you own words and indicate its use: 1.
– is the tendency of a system to oscillate with hi amplitude[11],
when excited by energy at a certain frequency. As all types of matter vibrate
and have their unique frequencies, we can match/sync it. 2.
Resonance therapy – Therapeutic means healing, i.e., this is not the frequencies
maximized at higher amplitudes of the wavelength of the object which will
destroy, but the one’s that harmonise. 3.
Allopathic – I see the mention of dispute on Wikipedia, but I choose the meaning
of conventional. i.e., conventional medicine or methods, that what is normally
lean thought medical science 4.
Homeopathy – it strives to treat like with
like with extremely diluted agents. (same as the agents causing the sickness
or illness) Also as an alternative medicine that has become very popular and
Presented in water drops, this water
carries the energy and info to transmit to the area/part of
“out of balance organs, acupoints etc. 5.
Detoxification – by destroying bad microbe, (viruses, bacterium, algae, Protozoan,
parasites, fungi and proteins) infectious agents, by
transmitting electric frequencies that increase their resonant frequency
amplitude will destroy it or brake them down for better transportation as waste
in the bloodstream for exertion. This could have cause organs of physiological process
not to work, which then have a better working performance after detoxification. 6. Frequency –is the measurement of the number of times that a repeated event occurs per unit of time 7.
Signals -
is an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength), caused by
chemical reactions of charged ions. Another use of the term lies in describing
the transfer of information between and within cells, as in signal transduction.
Biological signals can also be seen as an example of signal (information
theory). 8.
Physical match or resonance of wavelength – seeing that each type
of matter is vibrating at a specific frequency you can sync it with
exactly the same frequency through by transmitting it with the Rife machine. It
will be a organ or macrobe’s equal frequency which you set on the machine
which is looked-up in the manual. 9.
“Music of the body” - is when an electric
quantity (voltage, current or field strength) cause by chemical reactions of
charged ions is (a signal) a frequency of a whole-number multiple of the
referred/original signal. Using
square and certain modified waveforms creates
these harmonics. 10.
EM fields – electro-magnetic fields pulsated at the particular
electric frequency of that field of the cells which matches the frequency of a
signal the cell is emitting (or cable of receiving) will then resonant. 11.
biology – The human body
consists of Liquid Crystals (Cell membranes, Proteins, Enzymes and Nucleic
Acids) which can align electric fields, store information, and polarise light
due to their ability to resonate to specific frequencies like antennas 12.
Oscillations – is the periodic variation in time, of some measure
as a swinging pendulum – also sometimes referred to as vibration. With the
Rife machines pathogens can be vibrated (oscillated) to destruction by applying
specific frequencies that increase their resonant frequency amplitude. Even so
can with the correct resonance the healing of cell be achieved as every
substance (cell, tissue, molecule) has its own vibration/oscillation or
signature. [1]
Also known as reactive
Arthritis where Salmonella,
Shigella, Campylobacter and Yersinia are present! [2]
Question was not so clear as
to: Is this term pertaining to
medicine or biology? [3]
The dates reflected after some
paragraphs i.e. (Beal, 1996a, 1996b)
and the flow of the paragraphs does not necessary indicate chronological
order of “discoveries”. Paragraphs
without source cannot be
“historically” placed, without longsome internet search or research
work, which I feel at this stage unnecessary. It already took a lot of
effort for me, to “research” concepts of the study material in other
sources of information, as limited descriptions was given or my own backlog
of school training many years ago!. [4]
Although the conceptualisation
can be found in the other questions as well, being a correspondence student,
one does not know the preference of the examiner, as one would have picked
it up in class. [5]
Most of this info
I found on Rife links on the internet. This was not described in the study
material provided. [6]
Everyday Practical Electronics,
April 2001, Special Supplement The end
to all disease by Abvrey Scoon. [7]
Ibid. [8]
Ibid. [9]
Ibid. [10]
Ibid. [11]
Amplitude is the maximum
disturbance in the medium during a wave cycle aka Wikipeadia.com [12]
My Medical Aid Society is
paying only registered practitioners from
my “savings account” Medischeme. |
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