Healing By Design 

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During the past two decades I suffered from Reiter’s Syndrome – a type of genetically inherited arthritis. After several visits to various well-known specialists and excessive high financial costs, I one day saw the accurate diagnosis and treatment by a “homeopath”. At that stage I was very skeptical about alternative treatment or medicine. I then reconsidered my views and after basic homeopathic treatment, started to feel better and am now basically cured. This inspired me to get involved in studies and I discovered that by using natural products and stimulation, the body will re-act the way it was designed by God. By nurturing the body this way, you will experience “none of these diseases” as it is written in Ex. 15:26.

        Abri Theart
Wellness & Resonance 
Health Enhancement Consultant

Our Mission

In line with the World Health Organization, the South African Government and Department of Health, we want to contribute to our community, to guide, and offer affordable alternative health services by natural means


After my life long experiences and study, want to share my knowledge and serve those in need fully underwrite the Natural Healers Association and similar organisation in South Africa. Most of the candidates, I experimented ob by using these modalities, are amazed at the accuracy. My mentors motivated me to advance forward by marking my assignments as" Good work!" - Prof Marius Harold of Mensana.



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Copyright © 2008 Healing by Design Experiments
Last modified: February 12, 2008