Healing By Design™
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Present and Further StudiesPast and future. Can you help?Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Orthomolecular Medicine, Herbalism - Supplements, Complementary Modalities, Nutritional Wellness, Bio-feedback Assessment, Basic Aromatherapy, Biochemical Tissue Salts, Clinical skills, Basic Anatomy & Physiology, Resonance Health Enhancement and Basic Reflexology. Qualification: Wellness & Resonance Health Enhancement Consultant Present studies at Mensana involves: 1st half of 2008 Herbology, Phytochemistry & African Herbs, Iridology, Pathology (Health Conditions & Support, Common Diseases and Injuries, Chronic Ailments, Communicable & Endemic Diseases) - completed To complete during 2nd half 2008 The subject with rand next to it, is the sponsorship I still need plus
registration feed etc. After this? I would then like to continue with Masters in common popular diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis and fibromyalgia, and practice on the sideline in communities. For More Information Contact: |
Send mail to abritheart@vodamail.co.za with
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