Unemployment Ends

No more standing around on street corners all day long
My attempts to remain unemployed a full year  have fallen short.

Tomorrow, January 21, 2003, I will return to the workforce.  My golf game will be put on hold and less beers will be had after hockey games.  I have learned much from this experience, both about myself and others.

My old Schedule:

Monday-  18 holes of golf, reading, nap, hockey game.

Tuesday- Read, go to the beach, read, work on hockey site, play hockey, drink beer at Blarney Stone.

Wednesday- Sleep in, catch up on Tivod shows.  Talk to Liz online, sleep some more, get some food, go to bed early.

Thursday- Read, read some more.  Play softball, drink beer at Cass street.

Friday-have someone drive me to my car I left at Cass Street because I had too many beers.  Sleep, Read, watch Classic Sports.

New Schedule:


Lee Mazzilli
Denis Potvin
