[Fran's editorial comment: This page began as an assignment for my first educational technology course at Texas A&M University - Commerce. Since then, I've simply added any applicable university coursework to it!]

DogbertFran's Funhouse!

Computers and technology are an increasingly important part of our society. Because education (as a field) is designed to teach and mold the newest (and hopefully PRODUCTIVE!) members of our society, it is increasingly important that education expose our students to the world in which they will live. Computers and technology, as I have stated before, are an important part of society, and therefore must be an important part of education.

Computers and technology are also an important part of my professional (not to mention, PERSONAL) life. I am a part of Richardson ISD's new technology trailblazers program, where we are basically handed a laptop and told, "Go to it and see what you can do!" In addition, I am involved as a curriculum writer and teacher trainer for Project ABCD, a PreK-12th grade curriculum created through the Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. I spend a great deal of my time during training sessions helping teachers learn how to use computers as well as how to use the curriculum.

On this Page...

Other Pages in my "Graduate School Portfolio"

Some Basic Texas Educational Sites

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English as a Second Language (ESL)

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 Integrated Curriculum: Cinderella

Here are a few sites I found during my preliminary SEARCH FOR CINDERELLA:

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Distance Education Sites

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Page maintained by Fran Dendy
Last updated: November 13, 1998

The views and opinions expressed on this page are strictly those of the page author.