Unknown Powers

It begins...

This story starts out in a different dimension, a totally screwed up place.
(The first Unknown Powers. Weird crossover...)

Part 1 :
The characters; Gonow, Golater, Mamers, Robbingus and Myk. They have their usually day; fighting, eating and more fighting. As pointless as usual. Until, they meet someone named "Gonad". An evil warrior trying to find a strong warrior. It seems that things will not be the same from now on.

Part 2 :
Everyone is split up thanks to "Gonad". Myk meets with some new friends. Gonow and Golater think their names are Goku and Gohan. Robbingus is alone, trying to find everyone. On his way, Robbingus meets some monsters, who keep him company, in a way. And Mamers is thought to be someone named Mamoru. Let the confusion begin!

Part 3 :
"Gonad" desires to destroy the planet. But there is a message from "the Master" that says to find the "warrior" before doing anything else. Myk, who calls himself Joe, tries to attend school with Ami, Usagi and the others. But monsters keep on popping up everywhere. Also monsters are attacking Mamoru. It seems that "Gonad" is testing to see who is the stronger warrior, Mamers(Mamoru),Gonow(Goku), Golater(Gohan) or Robbingus. But "Gonad" could never think that Myk is any warrior, but he sends monsters his way anyway.

Part 4 :
Now it seems that the Master wants the chosen one dead. And who is the second chosen one? And who is the dark voice? "Gonad" does not want to listen to the Messanger anymore and plans to destroy the earth. But, before that, "Gonad" sends monsters to run around Tokyo. Everyone meets up at Rei's place to prepare for battle. And then it begins. Many monsters are sent to fight the Senshi and everyone else. It is an all out battle royal. And then, the Messanger appears and talks to everyone about the chosen one and the Master, who was known as the Evil Spirit, in the Silver Millennium! Oh yes, it seems that Myk is the chosen one too!

Part 5 :
It begins. The final battle with "Gonad". Everyone is ready to help out Myk. But what happens when "Gonad" disables everyone and no one can help Myk? The Messanger shows his face. And Kinoko wonders what Makoto is up to. This is the end of Unknown Powers, but, it is also the begining of a new chapter.

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