Vikings take part in several shows during the months between Easter and
October, putting on battle displays and living history displays. These
living history displays take the form of an encampment of the dark age
period, with tents and an occasional authentic house, and the attendant
personnel. These include the wives and family of the warriors,
craftspeople, traders, a slave or few and assorted religious
personalities. Most aspect of village life are portrayed in the
encampment, with people involved in many crafts. Meals are prepared and
cooked, wool spun and sometimes dyed (although this can be a long
process and is usually done between shows) and woven into cloth.
Embroidery is popular as it is very portable and can be taken up or put
down as necessary. This is also true of tablet weaving - making
decorative bands.
The warriors take part in several types of display during the day, the most common format being archery display and competition followed by a playlet to set the scene, and major combat display. This normally follows the reports of actual clashes with the recorded victors prevailing again. This is sometimes followed by a re-match with no predetermined outcome! Depending on allotted time for the display the warriors usually take part in a battle circle where it's every man for himself and the last one standing is the victor. The audience is then invited to meet the warriors and ask any question they may have for them. For more details of crafts or warrior skills click the links below. There are also links to this year's show dates and reports of last year's shows as well as a link to some photos from filming sessions. |
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by Grimma Eiriksdottir.