11/30/00 20:36:31
Name: Candy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Lebanon | Sex: Female |
Occupation: student |
Very nice web site.
11/30/00 20:36:29
Name: Candy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Lebanon | Sex: Female |
Occupation: student |
Very nice web site.
11/30/00 01:27:23
Name: Jen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 18 |
Sex: female | Occupation: student |
It is a very good place to go to find out the 411 on everything that happend.
07/17/00 23:54:33
Name: Peter Carter | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Manchester | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
I'd just like to ask, do you agree with the people denying the holocause being thrown out of Germany?
05/02/00 20:51:09
Name: Sandy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 54 |
City of Residence: CA | Occupation: Retired |
I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will be back soon. You have alot of good links...This is a subject we must never, never forget!!!
04/12/00 23:13:53
Name: Mandy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 15 |
City of Residence: Canton, GA | Sex: Female |
I actually wouldn't come to one of these pages unless it was for school. And I'm going a project in History class about the Holocaust. I looked it up on the web and now here I am at your page. I love learning about this event in History and I am so gla
that I found your site. This event was a horrible thing that had happened to the Jews and numerous other groups. I really am inspired to do my best to learn and study more about the Holocaust. I want to thank you guys for makeing this page. It really
helped me and I'm sure that it will help other people in the future to understand more about what had happened.
04/07/00 01:39:10
Name: bonnie greene | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 52 | City of Residence: new york | Sex: female |
Occupation: social work student |
this is wonderful site. I'm taking a jewish history course in college. I've learned a great deal from your site on the Holocaust. It's hard to read because it hurts so much to know the attrocities that happened. Thank you for your site. Bonnie
03/30/00 16:02:59
Name: Paul Roebling | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 29 | City of Residence: Newberry,SC | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Writer |
Hi guys,
This is a GREAT! links site. I have just finished a historical novel dealing with the persecution of Jews and gays in Nazi Germany. I
am glad to see that there are decent young people
like you that care about such things.
Paul Roebling
03/18/00 08:45:03
Name: Leanne | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: melbourne, australia | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
I would just like to say that this webpage is excellent. We are studying the holocaust at school and th is page has given me a great understanding about the tragic event. I can't believe that stuff actually happened. It is extremely sad.
02/20/00 21:54:55
Name: milli | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: brazil | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
although i came in this site, with the purpose of finding a revisionist site, i hope everybody understands that I am trying to figure out what the revisionists can not: that the holocaust happened, and it was a great tragedy that will forever have spoiled
the land we wlak upon. I am taking a course to better understand the reasons why, and to know what human kind is capable of doing unto one another, and learn that what we have done is wrong, and attempt not to repeat it ever again.
02/19/00 23:17:23
Name: john hutt | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Sex: male |
I find it funny that all attempts at discussion and debate on the part of Holocaust revisionists are always silenced by Marxist media censors...I commend you for including sites(however reprehensible in your eyes)that show a different side of the story,es
ecially Ernst Zundel,who is a great mind,and would be well respected for his many ideas if he kept his views on the "magic six million" silent.Shalom from the Heritage Front,guys,great site.
01/14/00 22:20:18
Name: Linsey |
Your webpage of links is overwhelming biased to the Revisionists. Before you completely throw out the possibility of the Holocaust never happening, why don't you look at the information you're providing, on both sides? I'm also hoping that your school isn
t blindly promoting this webpage. And I don't see how you deserve credit from all the people who signed the guestbook just by using a template and providing a ton of links to work by others'.
12/02/99 20:41:16
Name: Bryan Devendorf | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 24 |
City of Residence: Brooklyn, New York | Occupation: Editorial Assistant |
Dear Jeff & Elliot:
You have the makings of an impressive site. Cheers... After following a few links, I thought to introduce you to a title we've recently published, "Edith's Story" (or "Edith's Book" as it was published in the UK), a memoir by Dutch survivor, Edith Velmans
We've posted an excerpt from the book on our site, www.sohopress.com, should you be interested...
As you may know, fewer than one in five Dutch Jews survived the War, and a third of those hidden were discovered and murdered. Edith avoided this fate, going into hiding in a Protestant household the same month as Anne Frank. To deflect suspicion, Edith w
s given the chore of looking after a German officer billeted with her hosts, sleeping in a room next to hers. Forty years later, using her own diaries and relatives' letters, she has reconstructed the story of her family's near annihilation by the Nazis i
WWII when both her parents, one grandparent and a brother all perished.
Ruth Rendell has called "Edith's Story", "One of the best and most moving memoirs I have ever read." Please write back should you have any queries or would like to receive a review copy of this important work. Thank you for your time and good luck in your
11/19/99 17:24:38
Name: brittaney f | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: victorville ca | Sex: female |
Occupation: none |
thisis a sad subject.
itreally opened my eyes.
11/11/99 00:03:31
Name: christy hopkins | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 21 | City of Residence: newport, South Wales | Sex: male |
Occupation: student |
A sensitive and intelligent site. Unfortunately my interest is primarily in your sites to be ware of as I am constructing a thesis pertaining to the deniers and their (scant) justification. If you feel you have anything to offer me, dont hesitate to get i
11/10/99 18:10:16
Name: Jennifer and Dustin |
My URL: Visit Me |
11/10/99 18:09:44
Name: jenifer |
My URL: Visit Me |
11/10/99 18:09:42
Name: jenifer |
My URL: Visit Me |
08/04/99 02:03:58
Name: Hitler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 69 | City of Residence: Berlin | Sex: Sure |
Occupation: KKK |
Nazi kick ass you fucking stupid peace of shit...don't be so god damn narrow minded. Hilter was a cool mother fucker, me and him were tight like that. You just mad cause you don't have power like he did....therefor you can suck my dick asswipe.
07/10/99 20:25:51
Name: Marc Terrance | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 47 | City of Residence: San Jose CALIF | Sex: male |
Occupation: newspaper advertising |
Your page is very thorough and well done.
Hello, my name is Marc Terrance and I just published a guidebook to the concentration camps and believe it is a valuable
resource for travelers wishing to visit these memorials. I was wondering if my Web URL could be linked to your webpage about
the camps. Thank you for your time.
"Concentration Camps, A Traveler's Guide to World
War II Sites" by Marc Terrance.
Available On-Line from "Amazon.com"
"BarnesandNoble.com" and directly from the
publisher at "upublish.com/books/terrance.htm"
Please Visit my webpage for easy ordering:
A Must for anyone planning on visiting the
Concentration Camps of Europe. Contains street maps showing exact directions to the sites, walking routes, road signs, bus and train
information, opening hours and what remains of the camps today.
Includes 45 Street Maps, Over 160 Pictures plus many useful websites. The guide covers 39 Sites in Poland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, France and The Netherlands. I hope you will find this useful. We must NEVER FORGET. Thank you
05/12/99 04:13:11
Name: shane Korman | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Thornhill |
Occupation: Referee |
05/07/99 13:31:33
Name: Deborah | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: over 39 |
City of Residence: Grand Manan, N.B. Canada | Occupation: History teacher |
This is an excellent site. I have been using it with my Modern History classes ever since I surfed in over a year ago. Keep up the good work!
04/19/99 13:10:56
Name: Jarrod Rider | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: state college |
It is good. Where are things about Revisionists
03/30/99 00:49:16
Name: Mikey A | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 17 | Sex: please |
03/16/99 16:32:06
Name: Laura Peters | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 47 |
City of Residence: Sherwood | Occupation: adm. asst. |
I taught sixth graders at our Regligious School (Temple B'Nai Israel) about the Holocaust. For most it was the first time they had really learned about it. I appreciate that you think it is worth your time to create this web page. We can never forgot.
02/28/99 03:33:01
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
We have a wonderful award winning artist on our site, who is looking for a home for her
holocaust related art. She wishes to donate the art to a holocaust related organization. Her
artwork can be seen at http://www.art-smart.com/holocaust/ Can you help us to get the
word out? If possible, a link to this powerful art would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Andrew Finkle
VP Marketing
02/10/99 21:51:47
Name: Chris | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: NY |
Occupation: Student |
Good Job
02/10/99 21:49:02
Name: Chris | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: NY |
Occupation: Stydient |
Good Job
01/28/99 13:45:06
Name: Hannah Cleveland | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: lebanon | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
Hey World!!!!
01/11/99 22:38:51
Name: Benjamen Wildenstein | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: london | Sex: ontario |
Occupation: student |
Mazel tov on your page. Good source of information.
Mazel ou Bracha
01/09/99 12:47:37
Name: tom veritas | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: old enough to know a lie when i see one | City of Residence: exeter |
Sex: male |
great site for zionist propaganda----i notice you don't make any attempt to refute the revisionists let alone challenge them to a live debate..i wonder why. show me or draw me a gas chamber & tell me how it worked. hasn't the yad vashem centre stated that
the number is 3 million not 6?? strangely enough the evidence for the 3 million is no better than the evidence for the 6.
i repeat: show me or draw me a gas chamber, one of these machines of mass-murder invented by those wicked nazis, a machine that no-one has ever seen. you've been telling us about them for 60 years but without ever showing us one. even berenbaum in the was
ington holocaust museum couldn't get out of that one...............
01/03/99 22:57:10
Name: kevin | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 | Sex: male |
great site hade every thing
12/23/98 19:00:09
My URL: Visit Me | Age: 15 |
City of Residence: thornhill | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
great page!
12/10/98 05:18:53
Name: Gary Riggs | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 41 | City of Residence: Jacksonville | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Law Enforcement |
May The God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob bless you
and continue to enlighten you to truth. Do not
be mis led into taking the easy path in life but
the right path. It has been said that those who
do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
As long as there are messengers like you, if people will listen, this will happen NEVER AGAIN.
12/01/98 02:09:37
Name: Danielle | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill |
Sex: Female | Occupation: Student |
Congrats on a great job, Jeff !
Will u help me next year when I take Holocaust studies ? :)
11/27/98 16:58:54
Name: Patrizia | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 46 | City of Residence: Monterey CA |
Occupation: writer |
Excellent compendium of resources - quite impressive.
It chills me to think how close we always are to happenings like these (The Holocaust, Rwanda etc)
11/24/98 23:17:01
Name: Crystal | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City of Residence: SSM |
Occupation: Student |
This was a pretty good sight, except that the Oskar Schindler sight wouldn't load. If anyone knows ANY good sights about Oskar Schindler mail them to me PLEASE!!!!!!!
11/24/98 09:23:02
Name: chris ahrends | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: adult |
City of Residence: Cape Town Sth Africa | Occupation: Director |
Well done on a powerful site! We in South Africa and esp. at the Desmond Tutu Peace Trust, are committed to searching for ways to ensure that the memories of those who suffered under apartheid are honored, and that we in S.A continue the process of reconc
We wish you many blessings.
11/21/98 17:43:47
Name: Rachel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | City of Residence: parkersburg | Sex: female |
Occupation: none |
I really liked your page, i'm really intrested in
the holocaust. I think it's just a taragedy that all those innocent people had to die just for there race or beliefs. I'm doing a report on the Holocaust, and your page really helped me. Thanx!
11/13/98 19:20:36
Name: Hannah Wendt | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 | City of Residence: St. Cloud |
Sex: female | Occupation: scoring |
11/13/98 19:19:58
Name: Hannah Wendt | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 | City of Residence: St. Cloud |
Sex: female | Occupation: scoring |
11/13/98 17:41:02
Name: barry horowitz | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 36 | City of Residence: south central toronto | Sex: male |
Occupation: pro wrestler |
as a jew in the world wrestling federation i see a lot of persecution in the federation. I really appreciate this site . maybe i can get diesel to come check it out, after all he's also jewish
11/12/98 04:41:45
Name: Hayley | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: Livingston, NJ |
Occupation: Student |
Very well done.
11/09/98 07:54:07
Name: Michelle Hurn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Sydney | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
Excellent page
11/09/98 00:54:26
Name: Oliver | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 25 | City of Residence: RhlPfalz/Germany |
Hello, my Name is Oliver, i´m 25 years old and
i´m living in Germany. 60 years are gone since
the "Reichskristallnacht" (9-10 november 1938).
Today i´ve seen some Documentations in TV and i
read about it in the Newspaper. I feel ashamed
about the German History, a history wich is so
far away from my Generation and todays Germany.
Sites like yours are very important to keep this bad History alive to learn from it. Let´s hope that History is not repeating and let´s stand up to fight Rasicm, Fascism and Intolerance.
Thank you very much,
Rem: Keep the "White Shame"-Links alive - there
is no better explanation for their Authors
sickness like their own words. Keep up your
great work.
-Sorry for my bad english ;(
11/08/98 22:42:04
Name: ELI FREEDBERG | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 20 | City of Residence: Brooklyn | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
10/29/98 05:11:18
Name: michelle harris | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: montreal | Sex: sure |
Occupation: student |
jeff, i'm very impressed. you rule. go marchers!!! we have a legacy to carry on. if you ever need help, let me know. i'm very dedicated to the cause. love ya.
10/26/98 11:39:46
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/21/98 18:09:44
Name: Chaos | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 | City of Residence: Whitinsville | Sex: Male |
Occupation: CHef |
I think your site is great.
10/11/98 22:07:48
Name: Kelly Moore | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 19 |
Sex: female | Occupation: student |
I am doing a research paper on the Holocaust for English. I would just like to say that this page is the best I have seen.
10/08/98 21:15:58
Name: Sheila Sigman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 56 | City of Residence: Altamonte Springs | Sex: female |
Occupation: legal asisstant |
Excellent site
09/24/98 23:34:09
Name: Amie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Sex: Female |
Occupation: student |
Great page. As a Christian and a human being I believe the the holocaust was incredibly wrong!! I hope that people learn from WWII and never let it happen again!!
09/23/98 18:58:39
Name: Louis Bülow | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 40 | City of Residence: Vejle, Denmark | Sex: male |
Occupation: writer |
Thank you for an interesting and very important site. Holocaust must never be forgotten ...
You are welcome to visit my own site about Oscar Schindler
09/16/98 17:42:02
Name: peter | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 41 |
City of Residence: los angeles | Occupation: physician |
i'm second generation. i'm overwhelmed that third
generation, jeff& elliot, are continuing to honor
the memory of the six mllion. i'm proud of you.
i now have renewed hope that the holocaust will
not be forgotten. my deepest thanx for your
09/16/98 17:03:14
Name: peter | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 41 |
City of Residence: los angeles | Occupation: physician |
i'm second generation. i'm overwhelmed that third
generation, jeff& elliot, are continuing to honor
the memory of the six mllion. i'm proud of you.
i now have renewed hope that the holocaust will not be forgotten. my deepest thanx for your accomplishment.
09/15/98 03:04:48
Name: paul | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 25 |
dear guys good web page!
i feel that you should also include bosnia/kosovo , the modern holocaust and isreal's failure to help. you might in order to counter racists arguements by including some facts about how many german soliders were killed in allied camps. i understand that t
is is primarily about the jewish experience in the holocust but the issues around it are too varied not to have some more.
but in all good stuff!
08/10/98 00:32:27
Name: Lech Andrew Pinkowski | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 38 | City of Residence: Toronto | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Software engineer |
A job superbly well done. You provide a wealth of
balanced information. Two of my uncles died in concentration camps - and as a non-jewish Polish-Canadian I find your selection of links
well worth exploring.
Lech Andrew Pinkowski
07/09/98 03:05:30
Name: Deep Thought | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 18 |
City of Residence: Somewhre in Germany | Occupation: Germany |
Thanks for this site!!!
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 09:55:55
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
07/02/98 03:32:40
Name: Bill |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
You've left out the Internet's best Holocaust site at http://holocaust.miningco.com
06/27/98 23:58:04
Name: Steindór Erlingsson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 31 | City of Residence: Reykjavík, Iceland | Sex: male |
Occupation: biologist/historian of science |
This is a good site.
06/23/98 13:15:56
Name: Chad Poelman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 | City of Residence: Brockville, Ontario | Sex: male |
Occupation: student |
Thank you for your page. I am doing a project on minorities protrayed in the media. Just before I went to your site I went to "WhitePower" because I needed to show both negative and positive portrayals. After seeing some of the demonicaly influenced th
ngs that they had to say, this page really helped. Thanks.
05/24/98 17:23:28
Name: Jordan Smith | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: new london | Sex: male |
Occupation: i'm in school |
this is the greatest page that i have ever been to keep up the good work guys. i had to do a report on the holocaust and this page really helped me out especilly with the picture thing.
Jordan Smith
05/24/98 17:18:03
Name: Kathleen | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 15 | Occupation: Student |
Good job you guys!
05/21/98 05:42:30
Name: Kelli Stewart | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 34 |
City of Residence: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
05/21/98 05:40:56
Name: Kelli Stewart |
My URL: Visit Me |
05/21/98 05:41:22
Name: Kelli Stewart |
My URL: Visit Me |
05/18/98 04:08:00
Name: Tracey Lyn Poston | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 27 | City of Residence: Joplin Mo | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Graduate Student in Jewish Biblical Studies |
05/12/98 01:36:45
Name: Arnie Rose | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 51 | City of Residence: Thornhill |
Sex: male | Occupation: Manager |
I've just quickly looked down the Table of Contents. Your work remembers all victims of religious and cultural persecution. NEVER AGAIN!!
I am curious to know what photographic and other intelligence information the Allied Forces had in the late 1930's and early 1940's concerning the existence of the extermination camps. thanks.
05/11/98 15:38:19
Name: Ana Vargas | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 14 |
City of Residence: San Jose | Sex: female |
Hello. Nice pics. Bye.
(= pEaCe, LoVe, AnD bUlLeTpRoOf MaRsHmElLoWs =)
05/11/98 15:31:46
Name: paul fisher | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 54 | City of Residence: mississauga ontario | Sex: male |
Occupation: banker |
excellent work...will be a very valuable site for me and others I will be referring this site to
05/10/98 20:17:14
Name: Jen Carr | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Lexington | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
Excellent site guys. I am a student working on a research paper on Oskar Schindler and the Holocaust. Your Links have been extremely beneficial to me. I think you all have a lot of courage and I commend you on that. Thanx a lot!
05/10/98 20:12:59
Name: Steve Prew | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: Whitehouse Sta. | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
I just learned about the holocaust in school. I like your page!
05/10/98 20:12:46
Name: Steve Prew |
My URL: Visit Me |
05/10/98 18:17:43
Name: Kelly Green | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 37 |
City of Residence: Las Vegas, NV | Occupation: teacher |
What a great page. I'm impressed with the amount of work you've put into your page, and with the amount of information you've gathered. I especially like the list of sites to avoid!
I hope you will vistit my students' own Holocaust page at the url above.
05/10/98 18:16:03
Name: Kelly Green | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 37 |
City of Residence: Las Vegas, NV | Occupation: teacher |
What a great page. I'm impressed with the amount of work you've put into your page, and with the amount of information you've gathered. I especially like the list of sites to avoid!
I hope you will vistit my students' own Holocaust page at the url above.
05/06/98 21:28:53
Name: Tiffany Kurkowski | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 12 |
City of Residence: Weest Chicago | Sex: female |
I think this is great. Have some other people from the holocaust besides Ann Frank. Ijust read a book on Corrie Ten Boom.
05/05/98 14:39:58
Name: Kiki | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Golden |
Sex: Female | Occupation: student |
Your web page has helped me a lot in researching the holocaust.
05/04/98 23:07:05
Name: david | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 15 |
City of Residence: cols. | Sex: male |
i like your page alot
05/04/98 21:03:39
Name: Steve Bergson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 28 | City of Residence: Toronto | Sex: male |
Occupation: Librarian |
There are some typos and a bad link on your page. I can point them out to you if you e-mail me.
Three additional links you might consider adding:
- a link to the Canadian Jewish News, where an article about your page appeared
- a link to the Holocaust Webring
- a link to Nizkor (the anti-revisionist page established by Canadian Ken McVay)
05/03/98 19:49:18
Name: Kalen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Atlanta | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
I loved thbis site....it has a lot of very helpful and interesting information for everyone to use. I am doing a research paper invloving the Holocaust and your site helped me a great deal......thank you so much for taking the time to remember these peo
le and for helping more people to understand the terrors of what went on during this time period. Thank you
05/02/98 23:56:25
Name: sharon whalen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 42 | City of Residence: orlando fl | Sex: female |
Occupation: travel agent |
alot of information i will read all of it
04/26/98 01:44:05
Name: BUBBIE\ZAYDIE | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: ? not to old | City of Residence: north york |
Sex: f&m | Occupation: salespeople |
we are very proud of both of you.you did a marvelous job on this great project.
04/26/98 01:43:11
Name: BUBBIE\ZAYDIE | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: ? not to old | City of Residence: north york |
Sex: f&m | Occupation: salespeople |
we are very proud of both of you.you did a marvelous job on this great project.
04/24/98 20:02:57
Name: JIMI MOOREHEAD | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: FARMERSVILLE |
Sex: MALE | Occupation: HISTORIAN |
04/23/98 03:42:17
Name: Mordechai Jakubovic | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: Toronto | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
I would like to take this gracious oppurtunity to thank both Jeff and Elliot for putting together this masterpeice. We live in a time where it is very easy to forget about the past, and go on with our lives as if this horrible massacre never happened. May
e this website will open the eyse of the blind, figurativley speaking, and allow them to see what our granparents suffered through.
04/23/98 03:10:20
Name: Karen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: Bothell | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
I like this page- I am doing a year-long project (called Breakout) this year. Your stie helped me alot! Thanks!!!
@---,---'--- (it's a rose)
04/23/98 02:46:30
Name: Doreen Greenpsan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: Old Enough |
City of Residence: Thornhill |
Pretty terrific ! What a tribute to your heritage.You have done a fabulous job. An awful lot of hard work went into this- It shows your sensivity on the subject & what an impact it has made to your lives.!
04/22/98 00:44:59
Name: HF | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 29 |
City of Residence: Charleston | Occupation: USAF |
http://www.zundel.com/ doesn't seem to be a problem..did I miss something?
04/17/98 14:16:47
Name: pablo | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: billings,MT |
04/16/98 20:36:36
Name: Raychel Cloutier | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: NH | Occupation: student |
nice page. was helpful for a school project i'm doing. thanks :)
04/09/98 22:56:51
Name: Norman Pisarek | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 45 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Artist |
Dear Jeff & Elliott,
Your Page Is Most Outstanding!
Keep The Memories Alive And Keep Searching
For More Visual Nightmares For What Has Happened
To Our People.
Norman Pisarek.
04/09/98 22:55:07
Name: Norman Pisarek | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 45 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Artist |
Dear Jeff & Elliott,
Your Page Is Most Outstanding!
Keep The Memories Alive And Keep Searching
For More Visual Nightmares For What Has Happened
To Our People.
Norman Pisarek.
04/02/98 15:14:38
Name: James Sucher | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 | City of Residence: Dalton | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
I am working on a Holocaust website too. I am doing one for a school project. I am still making it on my computer, and then I am going to upload it. I do have a South Park website though. You probobly don't like South Park, but please tell your friends ab
ut it.
03/28/98 16:46:43
Name: WILLIAM BOBZIN | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 52 | City of Residence: LA GRANGE IL | Sex: MALE |
Occupation: FIREFIGHTER |
03/28/98 04:09:17
Name: elaina buzzell | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: bettendorf | Sex: all of the above |
Occupation: student |
This is one of the best sites I've been to. I truely wish there were lots more like them...
03/26/98 17:14:15
Name: Aaron | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 19 |
I really enjoyed your page and think what you are doing is great. Please check your spelling on the page, it would make the page even better. Thanks.
One reference is institute in the beginning paragraphs.
03/24/98 19:36:55
Name: Leslie Hill | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 19 |
City of Residence: D.C. | Occupation: student |
03/24/98 19:01:16
Name: Amanda McMahon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: Baraga, MI | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
Thank-you. This site was one of the better ones that I viewed.
03/24/98 00:11:23
Name: David Kaspersin | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 55 | City of Residence: Rochester,NY | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Music Producer |
You have a wonderful, and much needed site.
Dave Kaspersin
Dynamic Recording
03/18/98 19:33:37
Name: Jody Pandora Hildrich | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Altoona |
Sex: Female | Occupation: Student |
I believe this sight is a very sad but truthful in its representation of the holocoust.
03/16/98 21:04:29
Name: Pierre Kuehnhold | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: Toronto | Sex: male |
Occupation: student |
I think it's great what your doing. I'm very proud of how you're exposing these people eventhough I'm German.
03/16/98 18:48:31
Name: BECKY CRANFILL | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: CINCINNATI | Sex: FEMALE |
03/14/98 05:52:41
Name: Thomas Keating | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 51 |
City of Residence: El Paso | Occupation: Ex-police (disabled) |
Hello! I enjoyed your site and the many links you have provided. I feel that people need to be reminded of the hell brought on by the natzis and
their leader, Hitler! We can never allow any person, group or nation, to recreat the conditions
of the Holocaust. Good work! My father was out of the womb of a Jew. I loved my grandmother deeply. My mother was a Christian, so I have been raised by the best of both worlds! God be with you!
03/01/98 22:00:25
Name: taylor | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | City of Residence: destrehan,la | Sex: female |
Occupation: none |
This page was great! Igot a lot of information I needed fora project at school. Y'all had everything, pictures, journals, articles ect. It was really helpful. It may be hard to do a bibliography on these pages though. THANKS GUYS.
* * * * *
02/27/98 23:31:42
Name: Adam Mandelbaum | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: male |
Occupation: nothing |
Hey jeff. Whats up? Cool site. It shows your feminine side!(just kidding)
Keep up the good work.
Yor cuz,
02/17/98 18:37:10
Name: amy gottlieb | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | City of Residence: Toronto |
Sex: Female | Occupation: Artist/Educator |
Terrific site.
02/17/98 01:12:50
Name: Neil Rupp | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 19 |
City of Residence: Columbus | Occupation: student |
This site has helped me a lot with the vast collection of sites you put together--most importantly, those that show the other side of the issue, which is what I needed to find in order to write an english paper. Very well done.
02/04/98 02:41:33
Name: Amy Bitton | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: thornhill |
Sex: female | Occupation: bitch with an attitude |
outstanding work, it was very informative and the links are great. Keep up the amazing work boys! Love ya
01/23/98 01:20:44
Name: Hillary Dieffenbach | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Bellevue | Sex: Female |
Occupation: GoOfBaLl!! ```: ) |
You guys did a great job on this page. I have been doing reasearch on the holocaust, primarily on the revisionists. I have been disgusted at the biggot-faciest sites I have found. It is a relief that people believe and remember what a tragedy it was and
ake sure it will never happen again.
01/18/98 05:01:35
Name: Sarah Schopp & Caitlin Unterman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: Toronto |
Hey Jeff we love you and your website
Love ya
Caitlin And Sarah
01/14/98 03:54:00
Name: Jodi Nahmias | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: female |
Occupation: student |
This site is really informative and the links and graphicas are really effective. I really believe that people will appriciate what you have done to make sure the holocaust will never be forgotten.
01/12/98 17:08:34
Name: Michael Johnson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 26 | City of Residence: New York | Sex: male |
Occupation: track and field |
This page is a great addition to cyberspace. I look forward to future drafts where it will encumpass the hardships that my fellow African Americans experienced
01/11/98 03:14:49
Name: Stan Martin | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 43 | City of Residence: Albany N.Y | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Periodontsit |
This is one of the best sites I've seen pertaining to this topic. Excellent work.
01/07/98 00:39:54
Name: Eric Bernofsky | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: London | Sex: male |
Occupation: student |
good job boys!
01/06/98 23:46:28
Name: Jordana Mednick | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: Thornhill, Ont. | Occupation: student |
This site id incredable. I am extremly impressed by all the hard work, time and effort that I can see was put into this project.
12/30/97 21:19:35
Name: John Randolph | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 65 | City of Residence: Fort Lauderdale |
Occupation: teacher |
This is truly a great holocaust site. You boys must have put out a great deal of effort in constructing it.
12/28/97 02:03:23
Name: larry blandino | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 45 | City of Residence: st. louis | Sex: male |
Occupation: manager |
Your web site is wonderful and helpful in many ways. But why is there no mention of the 6 million non-Jews who perished in the death camps. Their not being mentioned is an insult to their memory. For example, in the death camps, there were huge tracts set
aside just to house and kill Catholic priests. Only Jews were hated more than Catholics. At any rate, you still have put together a solid web site. Good job.
12/26/97 02:02:40
Name: mike jacobs | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 30 | City of Residence: Boca Raton |
Sex: Male | Occupation: Accountant |
This site makes me proud to be Jewish. You boys should be proud of your accomplishment
12/23/97 01:28:29
Name: sarah vetzal | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: hampton Ont |
Occupation: school |
your page was very well done one of the best on the holocaust that I have viewed
12/23/97 01:27:38
Name: sarah vetzal | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: hampton Ont |
12/21/97 20:40:13
Name: Ken Lewis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 45 | City of Residence: Prince George | Sex: Only the sage kind |
Occupation: Business |
You have put together the start of a nice page.
You might consider joinging the Holocaust Web Ring to get more exposure for your site.
You may find the info on my site listed above.
12/20/97 21:57:02
Name: Martine Segal | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: London | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
Jeff and Elliot, you guys did an amzing job. The information provided on your webpage is very imformative and interesting.
12/18/97 17:55:43
Name: Emily Friedman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 14 |
City of Residence: Ankeny | Occupation: student |
Hi. I'm doing a report on the holocaust. Do you know of any sights that are set up about what ever happened to Hitler, any of his men, the ruins of any of the camps, the total death count, and quotes from survivours and people who died? If you do, send
me the addresses at onlymwee@hotmail.com
Thanks very much,
12/17/97 18:43:16
Name: ass mr | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 109 | City of Residence: assville | Sex: both |
Occupation: slut |
iwant you
12/16/97 23:47:39
Name: CHUCKY | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Richmond Hill | Sex: Sure!!! |
Occupation: I'm the Assman |
Boys, I found a good site for your project. It's called Virtual Auschwitz. It has a lot of info. and pics. The adress is: www.bitlink.com/~rsl/responses/virtualauschwitz.html
Keep up the good work!!!
12/16/97 02:45:47
Name: Elaad | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
Great site. Lots of good links. Check out www.remember.com. I think thats the URL, you may want to add it to your site.
12/14/97 21:49:56
Name: Stephanie Tuchmayer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
Jeff, and Elliot, great job. The site looks fantastic, and it is going to get you an "A".
12/13/97 18:44:25
Name: a concerned web surfer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 33 | City of Residence: Washington | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Garbage man |
What exactly is the point of this page? Why don't you sub-topic your links and maybe choose a broad topic. I read from other people's comments that this is an I.S.U. project From the looks of it, I don't think you'll be getting a great mark.
12/13/97 17:52:43
Name: Steve Sax | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Richmond Hill | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
No Comment, Jeff you know what I think.
12/12/97 17:02:18
Name: Danzig | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 43 |
City of Residence: California | Occupation: lead singer in metal band (duh?) |
Good site! More about me though, please.
12/12/97 16:57:25
Name: Joey Jeremiah | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | City of Residence: Toronto | Sex: not yet, but hopefully with Caitlin |
Occupation: Con Artist |
Your page would be cooler if you had more hate links.
Heil Jeff and Elliot!
12/12/97 14:05:48
Name: Dr. Oren "Snake" Weichenberg | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill,ON | Sex: Yes, Please!! |
Occupation: Doctor |
Good Page!! Nicely Done
12/12/97 02:15:18
Name: andrea josse | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: thornhill |
Sex: female |
great job!
12/12/97 02:12:33
Name: Lani | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 15 |
City of Residence: Thornhill | Occupation: Student |
Jeff & Elliot,
You guys are so cool!! Good job!!!
Lani and Andrea
12/12/97 00:59:39
Name: Candice Segal | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
I think this is a very good interesting page and it also was a great idea.
12/12/97 00:27:25
Name: Moran Rossdale | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: Female |
Occupation: Student |
You guys did a really good job on this page, keep up the good work!!
12/11/97 22:06:46
Name: Rachel | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 15 | City of Residence: Thornhill |
Sex: Female | Occupation: Student |
A really impressive site. Likely to be one of the best ISU marks in the class.
12/11/97 04:50:12
Name: Randy Waxman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: London | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
Amazing site.
12/11/97 04:37:36
Name: Jennifer | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 19 | City of Residence: London,Ontaro |
Sex: Female | Occupation: Student |
This is an excellent and extremely well done home page. I've never seen one quite like this and I commend you for putting it up.
12/10/97 19:46:46
Name: ERIC SILBER | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill | Sex: yes please |
Occupation: student |
This site is well put together, I couldn't have done better myself. Hope you do well on your assignment.
12/10/97 13:03:07
Name: S. Bloom | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: none of your business |
Sex: yes | Occupation: not sure any more |
this is really coming along great - i'm looking forward to the future drafts!
12/10/97 04:18:56
Name: Sara Wise | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 17 |
City of Residence: Toronto |
Hey guys! Nice website. Did you do it all by yourselves? Zagorski told me to check it out, so I did. Make sure you tell him I said that. Good job!! (I couldn't do it.) See ya soon!:)
12/10/97 02:13:06
Name: Stacey | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: Toronto | Occupation: student |
12/10/97 00:34:14
Name: Dave Zagorski | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: Thornhill | Occupation: Student |
Good job guys. Keep up the good work
12/10/97 00:26:16
Name: Matt Keigher | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Thornhill ON | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
Great Job! Hope to see it when your finished.
12/10/97 00:22:07
Name: Jeff Shelson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 31 | City of Residence: Chicago | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Lawyer |
Love the "Beware of these sites" warning.
Hope to see your site when its finished.
J. Shelson
12/09/97 23:19:54
Name: Jay Cherun a.k.a. Chucky | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 | City of Residence: Richmond Hill, ON | Sex: Male |
Occupation: Student |
Great page!! Good Work Boys!!!
12/09/97 17:35:09
Name: Jax | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 16 |
City of Residence: NY | Occupation: Student |
Great Page