Spells & Rituals
Welcome to the Spells & Rituals page of the Realm! Just browse the lists below to find what you're looking for, and (most importantly) have fun!
Or, if you are here because you have this really fantastic spell/ritual that works wonderfully (or if you don't but want to submit one anyway!) just click on the link to e-mail me. Send me your name, your e-mail, your website (if you have one), the name of the spell/ritual, what it's for/what it does, tools, equipment, moon phase and correspondences (if neccesary). Please try to be as specific as possible! I look forward to adding your spell/ritual to this page, and I'm sure that other visitors look forward to reading and using it! Blessed Be,
~Star Spirit~
*Note: You can send as many submissions of different spells/rituals as you like, but don't send the same one over and over again. If it takes me a while to put it up, don't freak out! It's coming! I get a lot of e-mails, but it'll be here ASAP!
If you want to write my e-mail address down, it is:
Or click on the scroll below to e-mail me right now!