Yishay's Pages


Shalom aleichem. Thank you for visiting my pages. I am a Torah-observant Jew living in Melbourne, Australia; privileged enough to be involved with the teaching of the Noachide Laws to individuals in Melbourne. I have written the following in an effort to address a need in the Noachide Community for a clear and concise understanding of the Noachide Laws from the Torah from Sinai. If you have any comments or suggestions you would like to make about this page, then please feel free to e-mail me.

[Used as part of a shiur for the Observant B'nei Noach of Melbourne on Cheshvan 2 5261, October 3 2000]

The 13 Principles of Faith as Articulated by the Ramba"m

[The genesis of this web page, creation date unfortunately not known]

The Origin and Derivation of the Noachide Laws
