Diddie's Stories!

I was on a major caffine-high when I wrote this...

Rabid Gerbiles from Outer Space!

Away in the far-off reaches of space there lived a tribe of rabid wild nomad gerbils. They would fly around on their little space craft, terrorizing neighboring rodents by chewing icky grape bubble gum and spitting it ruthlessly at the innocent citizens homes and office buildings, trapping them inside for days at a time with no extra supply of coffee.

One day, a village of squirrels decided to fight back. So when the flying terrors came around, laughing maniacally and chewing their bubble gum, a squirrel squadron armed itself with a giant Ray-O-Matic that would freeze the sticky substance on contact, saving the caffeine addicted squirrel citizens from certain doom. But all did not go as planned! When the squirrel squadron was labouring to lift the massive massicuring weapon out of the box, one squirrel accidentally pulled the trigger, freezing the revolutionary woodlanders. The other squirrels, not knowing how to make fire, had only magnifying glasses to focus the sun's rays to thaw out their chilly comrades. In the defreezing process, one unfourtunate squirrel got his lovely bushy tail singed, and being quite disturbed, snatched up the Ray-O-Matic with super squirrel strength and began fireing madly, ending up hitting the rabid gerbils, carrying out the original plan. And so the villains were for the time thwarted, and all the rodents lived in peace...

Until one day the rabid menaces were back! This time, they had new and improved guaranteed-to-be-sticky-no-matter-what-the-conditions bubble gum and anti-freeze bubble-shields! And so the attack went on much as it had before, the fanatical airborne rodents spitting the smelly sticky gum all over entire cities, leaving fellow rodents with heads aching, hands shaking, nerves fraying, dying for coffee!!

But a small band of ninja hamsters were inspired by the brave attempts of the squirrels, and so armed only with black belts and martial-arts know-how, they set up for an all out attack on the evil forces that so ravaged them. What followed was a horrible battle, in which gum was spat, tears were shed, belts were torn. And when the dust cleared... the hamsters had emerged victorious!

And so, the rabid gerbils were to spend the rest of their days repenting their sins as they labored away in coffee bean fields, to be sure that no caffeine-addict would ever have withdrawal symptoms again!

But they made one mistake... One rabid nomad gerbil, with one little spacecraft, and one piece of bubblegum... remained free. And being of a revengeful mind...

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