Here are some poems about mother earth and such.  Please enjoy them
and if there are any poems that you would
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 Club Hippy (link at bottom).

It was a sunny afternoon
I had a picture of you on my mind,
while I gently floated across the sea.
This creation I had made in my mind
had suddenly come alive...
But now you're gone,
and only a memory was left behind.
Why did you leave?
What did I do?
Please come back to me.
The sun gave me warmth,
but all I felt was cold darkness...
So empty without you by my side.
The memories flooded me
My heart became heavy,
and I felt myself drown deep, deep under the sea.
I carry on under here in these wet surroundings,
not being able to see land or the beautiful bright rays of the sun.
My heart is still heavy...
Maybe someday I will be lifted back up.
Look what you have done to me
Why did you leave?
I am trapped because of you
Oh why, why, why?

Her eyes were pools of sparkling blue
Her hair put the sun to shame
Her genuine smile could touch all around
And her delicate fingers used for many talents.
But despite her many outer beautys,
something inside was dismay.
She longed for the special one who held the main key
The key to her heart that is.
He was out there,
But what if never found?
Would she then be destined for lonliness?
If you find the key,
Please do say...
For she is always searching for him,
and will never give up.

I jumped,
I pranced,
I sang...
I lifted my face up to the heavens
The warmth of the sun penetrated deep inside me.
I felt capable of making the impossible possible...
I lifted my arms
I ran forward,
and like a frog leaped off the cliff.
I soared like an eagle
But as alert as a cat
And as elegantly as a monarch...
I flew back down to solid ground,
and casually walked away.

The wound is deep
The pain is none
The scar is forever...
When the dark shadows hover,
Its a way of release.
The shadows lift just for a few seconds
but that's better than nothing.
The cut bleeds freely
All the pain trickles out
And I am left with a scar forever.
It may fade,
but it will always be there...
Lingering under a shirt sleeve,
or pushed into the corner of my mind
It will be there

Seeing sounds
Hearing colours
Swaying walls
And rolling floors.
Such a different world
Good and bad is this world...
Realistic nightmares.
Running through meadows of sweet fragrant flowers
All your inner aches released
Fly through the sky.
Enjoy it while it lasts...
It's only a high,
and soon you will crash

I know you,
but we've never met
I've seen you,
but we've never met
I like you,
but we've never met...
I want your love
I want your touch
I want you by my side,
but we've never met.
I've shared my life with you...
My secrets
My dreams
And everything inbetween
But you don't give a shit,
because we've never met

The world is put on hold just for me
As I sit in the corner with my head on my knees.
While I ponder
While I prey
Nothing happens,
all is at bay.
But when I'm revived,
the world is at play

Looking alive and well on the outside,
but secretly very different on the inside.
Pain, hate, and unhappiness cling to the mind and soul.
Dark shadows follow the heavy heart
The echo of footsteps reflect lonliness and doom.
Will this ever fade?
Oh please I beg, let it fade

Up, up, high into the bright blue sky
Flying with wings of sparkling gold.
Holding hands,
never letting go.
The clouds like marshmellows lazily roam...
We fly right through,
never letting go
Higher, higher into the sky
We fly free like a bired,
never letting go.

All poems written by Carmelle from Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Dolphins

Enchanted, enraptured, entranced,
Individual, yet part of a great ring of endless light,
I look around at my surroundings,
At the people wearing the bright vibrant colors
of the earth under a glowing moon,
of the summer gardens, replete with Life,
of autumn trees, preparing for a winterıs rest,
of the sky over the sea ten minutes before a storm.
Under a bright sapphire sky, the radiant sun shines,
not burning, not scorching, only warming.
Clouds skirt across the sky playing games
and making children laugh in delight.
Around and around, spirits of Dolphins.
Whirling, jumping, leaping about
Like dervishes, crazed and joyful.
Around and around, at dizzying speeds,
the Dolphins dance.
I try to follow the steps, but the patterns elude me.
Time and time again, I try, but the Dolphins
evade me, change quickly, weave in and out
around and through Time and Space.
Finally I fall, like Angels, like a Child
exhausted, contented,
happy to feel life pulsing in the grass
and I no longer worry about whirling and dancing,
satsfied to let the Dolphins flow about me,
surrendered to the ebb and flow of their dance.


Two Poems about Mother Earth

Mother Earth is on the brink,
like a ship one day will sink,
we can control it's sail today,
but what unfolds,
we can not say,
let's get real,
with what we've got,
a group of interest,
yet, not a lot,
If peace is really where we shot,
no one could miss,
for it's easily caught,
an idea, word, give it all you got,
the last try is coming soon,
we've tried this planet,
what's next the moon?


I had a love for peace and living,
never knew what was the gift of giving,
till once I heard a man who singing,
shared the hope for a world worth living,
Imagination fills the heart so willing,
If we all open our hands,
and share what's spilling,
it's love and life and peace were killing,
because it's pouring out,
yet none recieving,
look around, what's truly living?
our mother earth is where we need start giving
not taking away her right for living,
let's get together, and see the light,
it only takes a different sight, peace,
yes peace, were all, quite right,
yet all alone we can not fight,
so let's all come together and do what's right!
LOVE, Mother Earth

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