Duif's Communication/Computer Page


I will tell you how I got hooked on the computer.

In 1984, when I was a director of a school I had to do a lot of jobs.
One of them was to place orders with all kinds of suppliers.
One day when the school ran out of glue, I placed an order, and at the same time I solved a rebus and made a slogan in a compitition they were having.
Three months later,(I had completely forgotten the rebus and slogan), I got a telegram saying I had won the contest and a computer: a Commodore C-64.
Wow, the first half year I only played games.
My wife would come back from her nightshift at 8 o’clock AM (she is a nurse) and find me still up...
But after the first enchantment I thought: is that all there is on the computer... games ???? and boredom crawled in...
So the following step was an Amiga, then a 286, a 386, a 486, and a Pentium II replaces the good old 486. The Pentium II is a "beast", 450 MHZ, 10 GB Harddisk,40 speed CD-Rom,128 Ram memory,8 Ram video memory AGP, Soundblaster 64 PNP,a cd writable,a flatbedscanner, ,Asus P2B motherboard....

In this time I learned a lot by making every mistake one can make...
I stared at black screens, I had to deal with sound that vanished in thin air etc., etc.
I learned everything the hard way but it paid off, because if anybody comes to me now I laugh to myself because there is the big recognition.
However I can help them.
So if you ever need help you can contact me, perhaps I can help you.
I really do not know how many will address to me if it last long there are many...

I know a lot of programs and have several devices attached to my machine such as a Zipdrive,,a flatbedscanner,a colorprinter, a cd-romstation,a floppy , a mic, a synthesiser,a cd writable and...a video conferencing kit.

And this is the new challenge is there anyome in cyberspace who has this device as well ? Seems great fun to me to see and speak someone in real time!!!
Though i know a bit of each... keep in mind I am a jack on all markets, master in none.
But I am always willing to help.
If my advises results in a smokeplume....my advise was not the best. LOL

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