What is life??



Well, this is a question, I' ve been asking myself for the Nth number of times, but of course haven' t found an answer so far!! After all I' m human, and I bet each and every human with the right kind of head on his shoulder has been thinking about it at some point of time, the same way, irrespective of his age. Upto some extent I think I have stumbled upon some kind of a satisfactory answer (I think it' s the not the right word).

Life is something, which has to be given out from, within you, and not gained from an outside source. The more you give out, the more you are unburdened of life' s entanglement. The more you try to get from outside, the more you are burdening yourself!! You have a limited lifespan, so try to give out more from within. Do not expect a miracle to happen your way! (I term that as self-centeredness).

You have come on this earth, carrying a burden of good deeds to given it off and, not collect the garbage from here to take it along, on your way back. Your work is just as that of a delivery boy. There is no point running behind something, which you wanted. The more you run behind it, the further it moves away from you. Take life the way it comes and never dare challenge it' s credentials!! That doesn't mean not to take life as a challenge. Anything, taken in a positive way, for the welfare of our surroundings is always acceptable.

Before thinking about all this you should be a better judge of what is right and what is wrong. Even a murderer has his own way of justifying things and can make a fool of the opposite person in making him believe what he did was for a cause!!. He could prove himself to be a martyr or a savior by using his well-crafted words. So you got to judge things the factual way. Proving things with crafty words might impress even a well-balanced brain. But a well balanced and clean heart would never accept folly!! So the conclusion is, your heart is a better judge than your brains. A well-balanced heart and brain can make wonders on this earth. The slightest variation in decision-making, between these two (heart and brain) would never make a perfect decision.

I have a very strong belief that everything on this earth is based on a regular working principle. Everything is governed by a general constitution. Man created language, science, philosophy, religion, caste, creed etc. What is all this? It is just a differentiating material with well-crafted words to understand things better to fit things in his lousy brain. He has organized it to make things understandable to him much easier. He is not a creator of things but just a consumer of a raw material or product, which has been provided to him, by an unknown source. But how is he repaying it back?? By spreading hatred? Sorrow? Misery? Bloodshed.!!!

When you buy a vehicle or a commodity you get a manual which indicates the do's and don'ts for improved life and usability of that product. In the same way we have a religious manual to accustom some methods to get the maximum utilities from our lives. That is in the form of a Bible, Koran or the Mahabharath. It's a pity that, Man has made a fuss about the supremacy of these brochures, but not thought about the incredible product, which has been delivered to him!. Life, the ultimate product which you and me are neglecting as some piece of shit.

Your soul is a small universe within you. Before searching for things on Mars or Uranus it is high time we did a bit of soul searching from within ourselves and improve in purifying ourselves. Automatically the whole world will be a great place to stay at, if each individual inculcates this concept in his life. It should be a collective force, and I'm afraid it can never at all happen since it is too complex a situation to handle.