Over 100 Years

of Complete Genealogical Extracts From

New Brunswick, Canada Newspapers 1784-1890

 Direct Access To Family Information


1. e-mail vitstats@nbnet.nb.ca

2. diskette 3 1/2 in 1.44


In 1981, the Vital Statistics Committee of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society began an ambitious undertaking - to extract genealogical items from the religious, county and city newspapers published in the Province beginning with the earliest publication in 1784. When the committee disbanded in 1985, the project was continued privately by Daniel F. Johnson.

 Since that time, extracts have been taken from newspapers dating from 1784 to 1889. Every page of each newspaper was scanned for even the most obscure items. Over 300 reels of microfilm were viewed and 400,000 full name references were extracted. In November 1992, the Search & Extract Service (SAE) was introduced to find the occurrence of family surnames, to extract the selected entries, and to reference the newspaper source.

 With the assistance of a computer word processing program, the SAE Service is designed to search for every occurrence of any surname, etc. McDONALD, JACKSON, VANBUSKIRK. Reference to ancestors may appear in any year. The same person may appear in various ways ie. Capt. John Thomas MURPHY may also appear as J.T. Murphy, J. Thomas Murphy, Tom Murphy, Capt. Murphy or just Murphy. The Search and Extract Service extracts all Murphys for the time period you select between 1784 and 1889.


 The cost of SAE by e-mail is ----- per surname and --- for each additional surname ordered at the same time. Results of the search may be e-mailed with a Text attachment file with an accompanying invoice. [Prices may change as Daniel's database grows] keep up the good work Daniel.

 Computer Diskette

The cost of the SAE on computer diskette for a single surname search is ----total. The cost of additional surname searches is --- per search. There are no limitations to the time period searched. Computer Requirements: I.B.M. compatibility, 1.14 high density 3 1/2" drive, word-processing software capable of importing ASCII files. Also available in WordPerfect 5.1version. To avoid delay, please indicate if your computer meets the above requirements. Please add --- for diskette and postage. For pricing please contact:

Daniel F. Johnson, P.O. Box 26025, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2J 4M3

e-mail: vitstats@nbnet.nb.ca


New Brunswick Newspapers


Chatham (Northumberland Co.)

M.M. Miramichi Mercury

G.N.S. Gleaner & North. Sched.

U.A. Union Advocate



Fredericton (York Co.)

CAP Fredericton Evening Capital

FARMER Colonial Farmer

F.T. Fredericton Telegraph

GLEAN Daily Gleaner

H.Q. Headquarters

N.B.R. New Brunswick Reporter

N.B.R.G. N.B. Royal Gazette

LOY Loyalist


Sussex (Kings County)

K.C.R. Kings County Record


Moncton (Westmorland Co.)

TIMES Moncton Times


Sackville (Westmorland Co.)

BORDER Sackville Borderer

POST Chigecto Post


Saint Andrews (Charlotte Co.)

PILOT The Bay Pilot

HERALD St. Andrews Herald

STD or STA St. Andrews Standard

St.AC St. Andrews Courant


Saint Stephen (Charlotte Co.)

BANN St. Stephen Banner

COURIER St. Stephen Courier



Saint John (St. John Co.)

B.C. British Colonist

C.G. City Gazette

D.M.N. Daily Morning News

D.N. Daily News

D.T. Daily Telegraph

FREE Morning Freeman

GAZETTE Evening Gazette

GLOBE St. John Globe

M.& V. Messanger & Visitor

M.N. Morning News

M.T. Morning Telegraph

N.B.C. N.B. Courier

N.B.Z. N.B. Chronicle


R.I. Religious Intelligencer

S.J.G. St. John Gazette

S.J.H. St. John Herald

STAR St. John Star

SUN Daily Sun

T.B. Times or True Briton

T.T. Temperance Telegraph

TEL Daily Telegraph

VISITOR Christian Visitor

WATCHMAN The Watchman

W.C. Weekly Chronicle

W.O. Weekly Observer


Woodstock (Carleton Co.)

C.S. Carleton Sentinel

W.J. Woodstock Journal

W.T. Woodstock Times



The following is a sample search for the surname Baird Volumes 1 to 6:

Abbreviations m. (married) d. (died) w/o (wife of) s/o (son of) d/o (daughter of)


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 1


879 m. Wednesday eve., 3rd inst., by Rev. Dr. Byles, George CLARK / Margaret d/o William BAIRD,

all of this city. NBRG 4 February 1808 T.B.


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 2


1844 m. June 4th, Saint John, John BAIRD / Isabella second d/o late Robert ARCHER, Saint John. 21 June 1817 A.R.


2388 d. Wednesday, age 20, Isabella w/o John BAIRD of this city. 1 January 1820 NBC


2412 m. Same eve., by Rev. Dr. Burns, James BAIRD / Miss Eliza BERRY both of this city. NBRG 26 January 1820 CG


2492 m. Sunday eve., by Rev. Dr. Burns, James McLAUGHLAN / Mrs. Phebe BAIRD both of this city. NBRG

24 May 1820 CG


2905 m. Saturday eve., by Rev. Dr. Burns, George ANDERSON / Cynthia d/o William BAIRD of this city. 20 February 1822 CG


2978 m. Sunday eve., by same, John BAIRD / Eliza d/o Richard BARTLETT, all of this city. 6 June 1822 CG


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 3


4032 m. 25th inst., by same, Thomas GREGORY / Miss Ann BAIRD. 1 October 1825 NBC


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 4


1213 d. Onslow, N.S., John BAIRD 22 February 1831 GNS


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 5


360 m. Tuesday last by Rev. Robert Wilson, Thomas MILLER / Mary Ann BAIRD both of this city. 4 August 1832 N.B.C.


755 d. Friday morn. age 83, William BAIRD, native of Sterling, Scotland, early settler. NBC CG 9 April 1833 W.O.


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 6


931 d. Upham parish, Kings Co., 27th ult., Capt. John BAIRD, native of England. He was born in Flimby, near Whitehaven and emigrated to this country about 20 years ago, age 67. Left family. 9 April 1836 NBC