There are several basic rules to purchasing and drinking a good wine.
We will give you these first and then go on to tell you our own personal favourites.
- Starting with the most expensive wine you can lay your hands on. The evening is classified as "good" if each bottle tastes better than the last.
- Decork the bottle using a corkscrew. This seems a trivial point now, but is an invaluable later in the evening.
- Pour the wine into whatever recepticle comes to hand, in the order of;
- wine glass
- tumbler
- mug
- pint glass
- mouth
- your lover's mouth
- urinal
- flower bed
- bed
- Drink, unless 3E. Swallow unless 3F, or if you're a girl, spit if you don't like the taste. You're no less of a woman.
- Repeat until unconciousness sets in.
- Wake up, throw up, in that order.