My two books elaborate my concerns. The eastiest thing for me would be to go along with being a party to waste, fraud and abuse. However, I have never believed in the path of least resistance for personal gain. Instead, I chose to resign and spent most of my time and income to write two books to address deterioration of public education, ethics  and prevalence of substance abuse that are adversely affecting America and the world.

1. Global Hypocrisy and the Dawning of Neo-slavery. The unprecedented Assault of Hypocrisy on Democracy and Education.  A devastating social ill, an ethical and moral famine, is rapidly sweeping across America and  the world with more adverse consequences than any infectious disease or food famine. How could the world, especially America, a country that started as  the cradle of modern democracy and the role model for the world, get to this state? Why is our  role model nation afflicted with the highest substance abuse, crime, apathy, cynicism and its people are more preoccupied with  over-eating, losing weight and non-enlightening entertainment even during the Information Age? Whatever became of "We the people"and why do they seek revolution rather than evolution, bullet rather than ballot and apathy rather than participatory democracy?"The author attributes these social ills to runaway hypocrisy that thrives on dominance of ignorance over effective  education  that  breaks down the ethical and  moral fiber. Reading this book is a must for every loyal American and world citizen. Those who have abandoned hope should remember Margaret Meade who said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed and dedicated citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has." 

2. Rediscovery of Hakim Omar Khayyam--the O.K. Book.  Rediscovery of Omar Khayyam- The most powerful nation on earth at the dawn of twenty first century spends billions of dollars to combat substance abuse with no end in sight. However, some nine hundred years ago, Omar Khayyam, the Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher and poet attributed substance abuse to hypocrisy and the lack of willingness of hypocrites in preventing it. Hypocrites have always preferred an ignorant, insensitive, apathetic and opiated public as an easier target of exploitation. In this unique book of poetry, called rubiyat  or robaiiat Omar targets hypocrites in an entertaining and educational way for their saying one thing and doing another in order to enrich themselves at the cost of curtailing freedom of individual. Omar goes overboard in praise of wine just to annoy the hypocrites while he himself is a role model for honesty, integrity, moderation and freedom of expression. Omar became the darling of the Western world when Edward Fitzgerald transliterated some of his poems in 1859. Parsa's translation is the latest(1998) with a more unique approach to re- introducing Omar to the world. Reading this book is a must for all especially for the displaced Persians who would like to stay in touch with their ancestral heritage.   

My motivation for writing these books was to educate and inform the people on my own after my attempt to do the same was intercepted during Clinton-Gore Administration and their "reinventing the government!"   Both books are available at and The O.K.(Omar Khayyam)book is also available in CD-please contact me for this.