I wish some bastard had told me this was a law of the universe when I was a youngen. Here in the western world there is some kind of conspiracy against simplicity. How could this major "law" which can be deduced physically, philosophically and esoterically,.......... be so simple, well, of course not! Some say this is a case of corruption, others say its plain ignorance, to me both terms mean the same or at least have the same effect. As for eastern thought, dualism is a core concept thats part of any student's theological study.
I suppose it is natural that the way Yin and Yang work an answer to any question would have a simple or a complex answer. As you will see its your choice which.
The polarities which permeate our world, our ideas and our behaviour seem endless. They can be seen (if we use mind in a connecting sense) as the same two players under a million disguises. The mind, of course, is the key, without it there is no way of detecting the duality, or anything for that matter! Its seems for any understanding of our universe to take place it has to be within the boundary of opposing, Forces, Thoughts, Emotions and Phenomena.
Our latest discoveries in modern science and physics which studies the behaviour and "material" of our natural world and the so called "truest" indicator of the law of Duality, appears to have a constant- symmetry in form and behaviour. Dueling forces pervade everything in science, even the investigators...atoms are very symbolic of opposing forces, as is DNA, and that means you and me. In particle physics every object has its opposite, every behaviour has its counter behaviour. Physicists of the highest order such as Neils Bohr, Edwin Shrodinger, Paul Dirac, Richard Feynman have all revealed moments of mystic insight during their studies through investigating the nature of the "stuff" that makes up the universe.
Duality as well being archetypal in nature is also the extremes of any system developed by man, including language verbal and written, mathematics, the arts, industry, commerce and especially (no subtlety) in computer and digital technology, then crossing the boundaries of ALL religions, philosophy and cultural traditions.
All this is fine, but there is a danger in analysing these opposites without an understanding of the connecting principle that marries them. Firstly, there is a perceived physical or conceptual in between, such as : the opposites apathy/sympathy are connected by empathy. Empathy, the harmonising principle, not only seems to be the correct way of practice, but also being advocated in theory by man’s necessity to invent connecting words to analyse these three emotions as defined by language. Secondly, our/my focus or awareness exploring the duality is the mediator of any in between. Einstein's revelation of the space/time duality declares that space and time are relative to the observer.
Seek the Ring,nay
But The Finger, yay
Please avoid all erotic Thoughts
In philosophy and politics, any doctrine or credo instantly attracts its opposite or counter perspective, the debates and interactions of British Parliamentarians Disreali and Gladstone are a great example of opposing forces effecting the lives and future of the worlds inhabitants during that time. The Cold War (that would have made things quite hot) is another that reiterates the point. Read any historical crisis or landmark and look at the opposing forces at work.
The Greek forums of 5th and 4th century b.c represent the forces of argument and counter argument. It allowed the freedom of tactical thought which left unchecked can lead to a paranoia. This is indeed what happened as the "forum" moved from an academic forum to a political forum. The death of Socrates as described by Plato defines the victory of the political wing over academia and the "social" democrats. Alexander the Great and Aristotle were the last flickering flame of what the era had brought. Ironically, it took a benevolent dictator to keep the false flame of socially driven prosperity alive before a more modern and progressive social system developed and the "flame" went to Rome.
The tactics and strategies used in debating social outcomes and developing "social" policy in those days still ripple through history today to our modern democratic systems.
Maybe among the highest levels of thought on Dualism is the Masculine/Feminine interaction which effects all the advanced species of creatures we know. Looking closely at this interaction, its pattern and behaviour is a blueprint for all the yin/yang combinations out there. Now late in the 20th Century this relationship is being closely scrutinised.
Did You know?
-Our Suns stability is brought about by the opposing forces of gravity and electromagnetism.
-That our planetary North and South poles can and have inverted.
-That our brains’ left hemisphere is termed logical while the right is termed intuitive.
-That the world philosophically divides itself into Eastern and Western thought.
-That when you drop a freshly buttered slice of bread on the floor, the chances of it Falling on the buttered side is proportional to the cost of the carpet.
-That if you ask why am I here, that the answer is either Scientific or Religious
-That capitalism and communism are two opposites ends of a social ideal.
-Have you noticed that a man and a women are slightly different from each other?
The dynamics of any relationship (especially Husband/Wife) is an analogy of the yin/yang "marriage" under whatever guise they take. Now, using our minds to unify after all this discriminating, it is possible to bring all phenomena down to this one basic interaction of these two opposites. A saying used by both sexes on this planet comes to mind.
You can’t live with them and you can"t live without them.
Dualism creates the amazing complexity of our universe and planet and though its seems to lead us into a quagmire of detail and variations, it is possible to see the same "two" at work behind the myriad of opposites that our minds have labeled.
Your choice as always, you can use any unifying title you wish yin/yang, God/Devil, masculine/feminine, In/Out, Good/Bad, Beautiful/Horrible............... the "title" you select is probably coloured by your mind and attitude!
In fact call them what you will, Arthur and Martha, Male/Female, Positive/Negative, Light/Dark they appear in human thought and practice throughout history. Their interaction can be seen from two perspective's as you would expect. They appear as opposing forces and /or married forces.
On and On and On it goes, and Famous characters link in with the common theme this time as "married" opposites.............Cupid and Psyche, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Ishtar and Tammuz, Isis and Osiris, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Hansel and Gretel, Al and Peg Bundy, and who were those two that liked apples?........are just to name a few.
The Wicked Switch Of The West
Everything was right
So there had to be something wrong.
Then all of a Sudden.
Nothing was right
It all went wrong.
Had to find out what was right
Nothing was wrong.
Does that sound right?
I once read that when scientists identified
positive and negative charge
that the naming of which was which was
The concept of Dualism in the Middle East goes back a long way to Islam, Gnosticism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, more ancient than these is the Goddess Ishtar.
According to Babylonian legend she was asked, why was the division so?
Her Reply
"We Are Divided For The Chance Of Union"
Taoist Saying
Is it the Cup,
or the Space in the Cup,
That Makes it Useful
Lou Reed
Plucked her Eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs
And he was a she
Walk straight
Don’t Wobble
Breaker Morant
Shoot Straight you Bastards,
Don’t Mess it Up!
Still to Come
*How Franz Schubert is finishing unfinished business as a modern RocknRoll star.
*How stars (as in suns) separated by huge, vast, immense distances, manage to project themselves to a small arena so they can freely communicate, interact and generally not feel lonely.
*Why does someone fart when someone has just spoken a load of bullshit!
*How the Fab Four made amends for their past misrepresentations.
*Does menopause turn women into men and men into women and is the word menopause someone's little irish joke?
*Al Capone was agooda boy and his mother loved him- by Mrs Capone
*How particle/wave theory is a life/death theory for particles and a death/life theory for waves.
*That if you added up all the nations in debt in the world and totaled the deficit, then listed all the nations in credit and got a tally, you would find the world in overall debt ...........................are we importing too many products from Venus and Mars?
The Duel
Light and Dark, I saw
Sound and Silence, I heard
Hot And Cold, I touched
Sweet and Sour, I tasted
Aromatic and Pungent, I smelt
Pleasure And Pain, I experienced
Good and Evil, I knew
Love and Hate, I felt
Courage and fear, I found
Faith and doubt, I had
Birth and Death, I lived
Nothing and Everything
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