Each month the Principal, Keith Penner,
writes a very thought-provoking message for the monthly
newsletter. Here is a record of some of those
messages :
December 2001
November 2001
October 2001
June 2001
May 2001
April 2001
December 2001
James Dobson has a new book out called Bringing Up Boys. Many of
us wonder if this is really possible or if the title should more
accurately read Surviving Boys. I haven’t read the book yet so I
can’t comment. I have been feeling for a while now, that it would be
valuable for all families (wives especially) to sit down with a group of
respectable, “normal” men and spend an hour or two hearing the stories
of their childhood. I think it would give us all some perspective and
maybe even some hope.
My boy is just hitting two years old. I don’t use the “hitting” by
chance. When he is angry he hits whatever is handy. When he is
frustrated he hits his head on the floor. When he gets up in the morning
he hits the ground running. He already loves playing with my tools and
his limited vocabulary includes “car” and “whack.” I have told my wife a
few of the stories of my childhood but I don’t think she really
knows what’s in store. As they say, “The nut never falls too far from
the tree.”
All of this leads me to wonder, what do we really know about Christ as a
young boy? How much did Christ resemble an average child? Can you be
fully human without driving your parents and teachers to distraction, at
least occasionally? How much did Christ resemble His earthly father? His
divinity often precludes us speculating about His humanity.
There is a statue of Joseph in the Mission Abbey near
Vancouver. It is carved from a
solid block of wood and is rough-hewn in spite of the detail. The man is
over six feet tall and his hand holds a wooden hammer. His hands are
large, even for the size of his body. The sculpture is off to the side,
in a corner, in the shadows. Though the Abbey itself is bathed in light
streaming through stained glass windows, what I remember best is Joseph.
Not the meek man standing behind Mary in a billion nativity scenes, but
the rough man with a job to do – raise God’s son.
The little we know about Joseph tells us that he had a hard life. He
married against the advice of most of society at the time and risked his
reputation. He couldn’t even buy his way into the porch of the inn, but
got stuck in the stable. He fled the wrath of the king. He appears to
have died young. We can assume a few things based on the culture he
lived in but really know nothing of his personal goals, achievements,
humour, or fears.
How much Christ resembled Joseph we will never know this side of heaven.
I venture that He was very like him. God chose Joseph as he chose
Mary. Joseph was placed in a certain place, at a certain time in
history, and given God’s son to raise. Of all the men on earth God
prepared Joseph to teach The Christ how to walk, to work, respect His
elders, to know the scriptures, and to find favour with men. Did Jesus
have a three-second attention span? Did he say “Ah dad! Do I have to?”
when it was time to milk the goat? Did He say “I’ll race you to the
house,” and squeal with delight the whole way there? He was a child like
any other. And God entrusted his upbringing to a man, like any other.
Joseph was given a daunting task, but one which God trusted him to
complete. We have been given a similarly daunting task as parents. While
we are not responsible for raising God’s son, our children have been
created in the image of God and they are to become ever more like
Christ. God placed us in a particular place, at this particular time, so
that we can raise a generation that will fear and serve Him. The school
participates in this responsibility by providing specialized service. We
encourage and expect that parents will be as involved as possible with
their child’s education. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It takes a
village to raise a child.” We have been created to flourish in
community. Community helps us to be accountable, supported, and
encouraged, to be taught and to guide others. The family, church and
school help complete the community that we need to raise godly children.
I shake my head in wonder sometimes when I think that God chose us to
accomplish His work on earth. He chose Joseph and Mary to raise His son
and Christ chose a raggedy bunch of men to build His church. Praise God
that we have all been stamped with His image. God does not wait until we
are perfect to use us. He uses us in our imperfection if we yield it to
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.
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2001 - When I lived in Japan I studied Kendo.
Kendo is the art of Japanese sword fighting. Japanese
swords are two handed swords. The fighter swings with
both hands on the hilt and often physically smash into
their opponent. The focus is on strength, speed, and
While learning Kendo every detail of the process is
drilled into the apprentice. The grip on the handle, the
way the wrist is twisted in, the height at which the
sword tip must unwaveringly remain, and the posture and
balance of the student are drilled until they are
unconsciously perfect. All this takes place before the
student is allowed to swing the sword. I spent several
lessons with no sword in hand learning how to take one
step forward and one step back. When they finally placed
a sword in my hand I learned why.
I pay attention to details, particularly when a burly man
stands opposite me with a long stick, intent on whacking
me. I thought I had the defensive position completely
under control. Then I was faced with an opponent. It was
like a mini fireworks display going off in my head as I
was beaten on the head and chest. All before I could say
Who hit me? I went back to practicing the
I was at a disadvantage in my training. I was older than
all the other students. I spoke only a bit of the
language. I had tender feet that had remained in shoes
for most of my life and quickly began to bleed when
shoeless I had to practice for two hours on hard wood
floors. BUT my main disadvantage was that my instructors
knew I was only there for a short time I was
passing through Japan. My training was a novelty. I
started the same day as a 5 year old boy. I advanced
quickly from kneeling for an hour, to taking a step
forward, then back, then forward, then back
.. (for
days,) then to holding a sword and swinging it above my
head while someone said forward, back.
Meanwhile the boy was still on his knees in the corner
learning discipline. While I was running across the dojo,
emitting blood curding yells and trying to whack my
teacher on the head, the boy was standing on the side
balancing on the balls of his feet. He had not picked up
a sword by the time I left for Canada.
Did I advance so quickly because I am a natural born
sword fighter? No. The boy advanced at a pace that was
preparing him to be an incredible Kendo athlete. The
teachers at my school were gracious and kind but they
were not investing time and energy in me. They gave me
what I wanted an interesting experience. But for
the boy they began a lifetime of training that would
result in excellence. Scripture says that the son whom
the father loves He also disciplines. The basics of
Faith, Morality, Character, and Virtue are not discovered
along lifes way they are drilled from an early age.
These fundamentals must be lovingly modeled, consistently
proclaimed, graciously rewarded and rigorously expected.
The Christian life is powered by the Spirit, inspired by
the Father, and rooted in relationship with Jesus but it
requires discipline and training.
Training and investment in the lives of students comes
from a desire to help them reach their full potential.
Excellence requires sacrifice on the part of all who have
committed themselves to the discipleship of our children.
The process will not be the same for everyone and even
the results will be different. But when the desire is to
develop character and virtue for a lifetime and an
eternity, there is no easy road.
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2001 - Education changes lives. The bottom line,
after all the philosophy, funding issues, curriculum
debates, hype over new approaches, and praise or chagrin
over the quality of teachers
the bottom line is
that education changes lives. The process is slow. Like
the shaping of a bonsai tree whose branches are
maneuvered into place and gradually take the shape they
experience for so long, so the educational environment,
physical, emotional, social, and spiritual, molds the
mind, heart and spirit of the student until it takes on
the shape of its constant experiences.
When I was still a young teacher I had to leave my class
suddenly because of a family crisis and after making
arrangement with the principal I returned to my class for
my jacket. The students had gathered together and were
praying for me and my family. Their education had changed
their lives they believed in the power of prayer
and acted on it. No adult intervention was necessary. In
the mind of the students the need demanded a response -
they responded.
After watching a video on the origin of the earth at the
Drumheller museum in which Life was said to
have created everything that exists, my daughter asked
me, Why are they saying Life created
everything ? Dont they know that God created
everything? She could see the flaws in a worldview
that attributed the qualities of God to a concept called
If we are asking the right questions we clearly see that
education is a powerful and valuable process. God says
that His word is to light our path and guide our
steps. We are to meditate on His word day and
God has given our children to us. They are a precious
gift for which we are responsible. When we are asked to
give account for how we allowed their thoughts,
priorities, skills, aspirations, values, and knowledge to
be shaped we will truthfully be able to answer
that we allowed them to seek the Lord day and night, when
they rose up and when they lay down. His word was always
before them. Home, Church, and School worked together to
plant them firmly by the stream of living water.
By immersing our students in the truth of the Lord and
bringing all areas of study into the light of His word
they are developing a thoroughly Christian heart and
mind. They will be workmen who will not be ashamed having
thoroughly understood and applied the word of truth.
This year is off to a tremendous start. There is a lot of
excitement as we watch young men and women growing in
their knowledge of the Lord. God has promised to bless
those who diligently seek Him. What a joy it is for us to
participate in that blessing as we live it every day.
What greater blessing than to have the opportunity to
offer our children an education focused on Christ.
Christian education renews lives.
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June 2001 - This
is my second attempt at a newsletter article. The first
one I wrote was about Buddhism and religion in other
cultures. Fascinating stuff. L But the photocopier broke
down and I have had time to think. I had a break between
meetings this morning and found myself smiling as
thoughts of my kids came to mind. Im going to share
Ive been writing letters to Savannah and then Aidan
since before they were born. I hope to give them these
letters as a record of our lives and their childhood.
They include funny incidents, things theyve said
and done, that we will all look back on and laugh about.
Savannah was doing something particularly intelligent one
day when she was three and I said to her,
Youre smarter than the average bear,
arent you? She looked over at me, grinned and
said, Yeah, and youre the average bear!
Happiness is found in small things. When I pick up Aidan
from the baby sitters he comes running down the hall with
a toy in his hand. He stops in front of where I am
kneeling and shows me the toy. We discuss the toy for a
few moments; then he drops it and hugs me for all
hes worth. Communication is so important. I look
forward to the hug but it comes at a cost. First he must
tell me about the thing that is most important to him. If
he does not have a toy in hand when he hears me in the
hall he will pick one up before he comes running.
Savannah has taken a keen interest in watching me shave
in the morning. She will stand by the sink and focus
entirely on my face, the shaving cream, and the razor.
Only occasionally she will ask a question. Last week when
I was finished there was a spot of cream still on my
cheek and Savannah spun an adventurous and imaginary tale
of what my day would be like if I forgot to wipe it off.
I love those few moments of connection and laughter in
the midst of a frenetic morning.
I would rather write about my children than Buddhism. For
you it may be like being stuck on the bus next to a
grandparent with a packet of pictures, but I have a
purpose. Children are here to remind us that Our Father
loves what we love. To be run to. To have those we love
share whatever is at hand or on their mind. Our Father
wants us to watch his face intently and long to be like
Him. I have a poem at home that describes the seriousness
of all things religious and places God,
listening from the next room, with a glass against the
wall, laughing with the children. We know that God
delights in our praises, that He sings over us, that He
has scooped children into His presence during the busiest
part of His ministry, and that children are our models
for faith.
I speak for the entire staff of LWCA when I say that it
has been a pleasure to teach your children. We take
delight in watching them grow. Being part of your
childrens lives is a blessing. It is a blessing
because delight, frustration, laughter, discipline,
encouragement, and hope accompany it. I heard the other
day that someone who is decisive and confident in
business will find himself or herself struck with fearful
uncertainty when it comes to their children. This is the
lot of teachers and parents. When we invest in the lives
of others we are shaping the future. God bless you in the
wonderful job you are doing with your children. I daily
hear and see the effects of your guidance and prayers for
your children. Thank you for giving us the privilege of
joining you.
We pray that you will have many times of making family
memories. On behalf of the staff and board of Living
Waters Christian Academy I wish you all a pleasant
In Christs service, Keith Penner
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May 2001 - For a moment when I
looked up I thought there was a hawk gliding in a smooth
arc above the school. I quickly realized that this was a
pigeon. Then a flock of pigeons appeared from behind the
school. I know my eyes are not too good but to mistake a
pigeon for a hawk went beyond bad eyes. As birds go, they
are entirely un-like each other; one is hunter, one is
prey. One flaps wildly to even stay off the ground and
the other glides effortlessly on the currents of air.
So what lifted this pigeon to the level of hawk in my
eyes? Attitude. This morning was windy. A good stiff
north wind. The kind that would keep most of us waddling
on the roof if we were birds. But these pigeons were
flying straight into the wind flapping madly. Then
for a brief few moments they would soar like a hawk. They
would experience the glory of flight and were transformed
in the eyes of those who watched. When they turned out of
the wind, and went with the current, they returned to
their frenetic flailing - pigeons once more.
Life and experience has proven to most of us that the
events of life are unpredictable and usually challenging.
However, our response to the challenges that God
brings can become predictable. Spiritual maturity and
strength of character can set us apart from the flock.
Paul says, Forgetting what lies behind and reaching
forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal
for the prize of the upward call for God in Christ Jesus
(Phil 3:13, 14).
Our attitude is based on our view of life. We are to
press on to the upward call. A kite that faces the wind
rises higher and higher, only when the pigeon turns
head-on to the stiff breeze can he soar, and our attitude
will affect our altitude. I saw a t-shirt that boldly
stated Its you and me against the world
When do we attack? The first statement
epitomizes the doom and gloom that so easily besets us.
The second line changes everything. I think this
sentiment is what Paul had in mind when he popularized
the t-shirt that said, I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.
Challenges are a wonderful part of life. They define us.
Like a Monet painting - when you step back, the beauty
and colour that seemed up close to be so much
mis-splattered paint becomes a work of art. The daily
struggles, the decisions that you wish were clear but
require a principled best guess, the sudden upsets to
health, finances, dreams, and relationships are
inevitable. How they shape us and whether others see us
soaring from a distance, upheld by a loving heavenly
father, or watch us turn tail and flap madly away, will
be determined by our attitude towards challenges and our
trust in the One who directs the wind.
Those of you who were at the parent meeting caught a
glimpse of the vision of Living Waters. Together we are
prepared to take on the challenges of building something
wonderful for our children and the community, to
Gods glory. The grade 11 program, The International
students program, and plans for building in the future,
are all part of the desire we share to build upon
Gods command to raise our children in the fear
and nurture of the Lord. Because we know that
Gods word is Truth, we can plan to obey Him
knowing that He will provide and we will grow to be like
Him as we stretch out in faith.
Its always easiest to go with the wind. When
people look at you, can they know for certain which way
the wind is blowing?
In Christs service, Keith Penner
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April 2001 The
next great task of science will be to create a religion
for humanity.
Lord Morley
It clearly wont do to foster within some schools
a respect for an absolute, intractable, un-bribable God,
a divine Intelligence who is utterly unconcerned with
other peoples versions of truth and humorlessly
inattentive to majority opinion
. It is intolerably
divisive to have God and the State scrapping for
John Dewey One of the most influential educators
of our time.
Religion is taught in every public school. It well
thought out and it is purposefully taught. It answers the
big questions of life and is the foundation for the
textbooks that are published, the programs that are
implemented, and the services that are provided.
Education is a religious activity.
Students spend 12,000 hours in the classroom from K
12. The church has them for about 90 minutes a
week less than 1% of the time the school has them.
The things they are taught, the ways they are taught, and
the people that teach them, form their view of life.
Scientific inquiry and reason as the guides to truth,
personal freedom, and tolerance for others are a few of
the tenants of the religion of the public school. A
government dependant society believes that information
and services will cure moral cancer. When enough people
decide that a thing or action is OK, then it becomes
right. Under the guise of multi-culturalism, students
learn that believing there is one version of the Truth
and God is the source of this truth is worse than
laughable it is destructive.
Ideas have consequences. A startlingly high percentage
about %80 of young people are no longer
attending church by the time they are in their early 20s.
Is this because there are no programs for them? No, the
public education system teaches that God has nothing to
say in the arena of life. When God is not a reality in
the most important and time-consuming part of the first
18 years of your life, the message is clear; He is
irrelevant. You live your life, plan your career,
raise your children, love, hate, vote, and serve
according to the way your mind has been trained. The most
intensive, purposeful time of shaping, learning, and
thinking takes place in school.
As Christians we are commanded to glorify God with our
thinking. We are to love Him with our hearts, worship Him
with all our being, and to think deeply, to seek
knowledge and wisdom, and to do this with excellence
for the glory of God.
Keith Penner
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