Index to this site: <--- you are here
It is also <-- you are here, too!
The "/Athens/Pantheon/2277" and "/mhwpl" parts are interchangeable as far as Geocities is concerned.

The original reason for creating this site at all was to post the Reference Dept. Bookmarks If that doesn't work, try it with .html instead. Sometimes I save these pages with the "wrong" one (.html instead of .htm or vice versa).
WARNING! These bookmarks are now several years old, and having not been updated or used much in a long time, probably contain a lot of obsolete links.

A new page listing all the mayors of Weirton, from the incorporation of the city in 1947 to the present, was created on February 17, 2004.

Updated as of January 31, 2003, is our page on the United States Congress, reflecting the 2002 elections. This page is also available here.
Our page on the Executive Branch (the President, Cabinet, order of succession, etc.) was last updated November 10, 2004.

The page listing Hancock County officials is at
This info was nowhere else on the web (or was badly outdated) when I looked! I've recently updated it to list results from the 2004 election. has information on items the library selects as part of the Federal Depository Library Program, which we usually just refer to as Government Documents. This was uploaded in 2007.

Also available are answers to the survey about CD-ROM and floppy-disk circulation which we posted to the GOVDOC-L and Stumpers Lists a few years ago.

Please note that on all of these pages the "/Athens/Pantheon/2277" can be replaced with just "/mhwpl", or vice versa.