Dave Crist

dcrist@columbus.rr.com 5761 Angie Dr. / Hilliard, OH 43026 / (614) 297-0040 / (614) 316-3033

Network OS
Platform OS
Novell 2.15 to 4.12 NT4, IIS4, Proxy2, FSNW, etc, 2000 AppleShare Server Artisoft LANtastic DEC Pathworks MS LAN Manager OS/2 PC LAN Server
Windows NT, Me, 2000, 98, 95/B, 3.x Apple Macintosh System 6 - OS 9.1 DOS CP/M etc. App Exposure to various CLI's, inc. UNIX + VMS
Ethernet 10/100 IPX/SPX / NWLink AppleTalk/LocalTalk NetBEUI / BIOS NDIS, ODI, SNA TCP/IP Suite, FTP SMTP, Telnet, etc Token Ring 16/4
Microsoft Office Lotus SmartSuites Corel Word Perfect Lotus Notes Microsoft Mail IE 2.0 to 5.x HTML Netscape Navigator Cad, db, and More

A+, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, various server, workstation, laptop, and printer Certifications from COMPAQ, DELL, HP, and others.
2000 Network Support and Administration Contracting - HAS Inc. in Dublin, OH
Support and Administer NT Server based projects within a very large NDS public network environment on assignments. Prepare servers, provide technical research, troubleshoot, and create technical documentation for projects including ArcIMS/ArcView (GIS) Internet Mapping Server, FPNW for Novell32 client, various IIS4 Web Servers, and NT Install & Service Pack standardization. Create IIS http ArcServe log system and monitor backups.
1995-1999 Network Systems Support Engineer - CHMC / ISI, M&M Mars Inc.
Kal Kan Foods - Columbus, Ohio - Installed, administered, upgraded, and maintained standardized LAN in a multi-protocol enterprise-level LAN/WAN environment. Supported and administered local group of NetWare NDS File, Print, DHCP, Application and Desktop Management servers and all office and plant clients. Also supported and administered Windows NT IIS, Lotus Notes, and QIP DNS servers as well as other varied servers for 300 users at 180 Windows NT and 95 client workstations running Novell32. Assisted support of FDDI backbone and switched hubs to Cat5 Ethernet TP cable and CICSCO router to M&M/Mars WAN. Supported gateway and client applications to local and remote UNIX, VMS, Citrix Winframe, X Window (Exceed), Reflections5, and IBM mainframe environments. Supported hardware including SMI Raid5 servers, PC’s, laptops, printers, print devices, sniffers and a variety of other equipment. Instructed and assisted diverse users with operations and applications. Managed inventory and remotely repaired workstations with Management agents and consoles (Managewise). Developed and installed client software builds for applications and drivers. Participated in teams designing various hardware and software design, upgrade, and installation projects with Americas ISI/SDS team. Worked with custom scripting code to place files, ini/entries, registry keys and values at logon to make entire WAN consistent per user across a multi-tier NDS networking structure at any machine.
1991-1995 Customer Engineer / PC Support - BancTec Service Corp.
Employed by Dell Warranty Provider and contracted by Kal Kan Foods Inc. to support, maintain, and eventually convert, a large distributed AppleShare System 6 AppleTalk/LocalTalk and bridged NetWare IPX/Ethernet LAN to an MS LAN Windows 3.1 network. Supported various servers, workstations and printers, including a Novell 2.15 SFT payroll, HR, and accounting LAN for Apple and DOS clients. The LAN was converted to a DEC Pathworks (MS LAN Manager) Cat5 Ethernet network running on Digital VMS server cluster PCSA emulation services. Macs were replaced with Dells running Windows 3.1 with MS LAN Ndis clients. Upgraded Novell 2.15 network to Novell 3.11 and Maintained and administered the LAN.
1984-1990 Customer Service Representative - MTU Systems, Inc.
Serviced IBM, Compaq, Apple, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, Okidata, Epson, Cannon, and other manufacturer’s equipment. Provided consultation and performed system installation, upgrade, and maintenance. Supported early networking systems including LANs, Point-of-Sale Systems, Multi-user DOS Operating Systems, Data Communications Systems and Cabling.
1981-1984 Customer Service Representative - XEROX Corporation
Provided technical support on a wide variety of DOS and CP/M PC systems, including IBM, Compaq, Apple and Xerox Word Processing systems. Completed over 100 hours of training in Xerox Education Courses, including customer satisfaction, business skills, and technical training courses.
MCSE Certification Program - Advanced Learning Labs, Dec. 1999
Bachelor of Science, Ohio State University, June 1981
Bachelor of Music, Ohio State University, June 1981
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society inductee for scholastic excellence, June 1981
Personal and professional references available upon request.