*~ Wicca ~*

"When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation."
~ Edain McCoy

Merry Meet!
    My name is Violytte Skye, and I'll be your host through out these pages.  First off, let's set the record straight- Wicca is not an evil, Satan worshipping religion.  In fact, Wiccans do not even believe in a devil.  The Christian devil was just a manipulated version of the Horned One, changed to frighten people.  We do not ride about on magick broom sticks (at least not where everyone can see us!) casting evil spells on people.  In fact, a true Wiccan would never cast a spell that would have any negative effects, for we uphold the Law of Three, as stated in the Wiccan Rede.  So now, please feel free to educate yourself, with an open mind, about a  very beautiful religion.

"Let's start at the very beginning; a very good place to start."

Basics of Wicca

-What is Wicca?
-Are Witches real?
-What is a Book of Shadows?
-Is Wicca evil?
-Are there holidays?
-Who are the Goddess and God?

The Goddess and God

* Charge of the Goddess *
* Charge of the God *
Index of Goddesses
Index of Gods


The Wiccan Rede
Law of the Power (S. Cunningham)
13 Goals of a Witch (S. Cunningham)
Principles of Belief

Special Days of the Year

*~ Esbats ~*
*~ Sabbats ~*

Violytte's Book of Shadows

Basics of Wicca

-What is Wicca?
    Wicca is a nature based religion, emphasizing the cycles of the Earth and Mother Nature.  Wiccans believe in two main deities- the Goddess and God.  There are eight major holidays throughout one turn on the Wheel, called Sabbats.  Every full and new moon is considered a special day as well, called an Esbat.  Wiccans do believe in the ability to control aspects of life with the aid of magick.  Spells and rituals are designed to focus magick into what needs it.  At the Sabbats different rituals are performed, where as a spell can be performed whenever there is need.

-Are Witches Real?
    Yes.  Although we do not exist as you may have previously believed.  Witches are every day people, and look no different than anyone else on the streets.  (By that, I mean we don't have green skin or the like!)  I like to define the word Witch as the power that lie within all of us living creatures; a power that has been there for all time and always will.  Most people use the word Witch to describe anyone who practices magick, male or female.  There are many Wiccans however, who refuse to call themselves Witches.  The word bears with it so many false connections with evil that many people shy away from it.  It is in no way a negative word, and should not be feared as so.  Neither are the people who take this title upon themselves, if they truly mean it.

-What is a Book of Shadows?
    A Book of Shadows is where a Witch keeps all the information s/he may have collected over time about Wicca.  Picture the old grimoires of the wizards- that's basically the same kind of thing.  A Book of Shadows will most commonly have some spells, rituals, candle/gem/herb correspondences, basic circle castings and what not, as well as something relating to some sort of divination (i.e.- Tarot, I-Ching, runes) .  Now a days, many Witches keep their Book of Shadows on the computer, where it can be easily added to and updated.  However, through out the past and for the most part today, a Book of Shadows is some kind of journal or notebook, fancy or modest- it doesn't matter.  I use a three-ring binder type thing, with dividers for the different sections.  That way I can just easily add new pages with more information.  To see some of what's in my Book of Shadows, you can click here: Violytte's Book of Shadows.  However, I do not have everything available, for a good portion of every Witch's Book of Shadows is kept private.

-Is Wicca Evil?
    No.  Wicca is a religion that promotes life, and personal well being.  Witches would never sacrifice any living thing of any kind, nor would we manipulate people with "our powers".  Wiccans follow a guide, called the Wiccan Rede, which states very beautifully everything a Wiccan should hold close to their heart, and strive to uphold.  Some of what's said is that if you use magick in a spell, the effects of the spell will come back to you three times whatever your intention was.  For example, if you created and performed a spell for helping another person with something, then you would then be helped out, three times as much as what you intended.  So therefor, a Wiccan would not want to tamper with casting evil spells, for they would pay more for it in the end!  The basics of Wicca is in nature, and it's importance both physically and spiritually to us.  I've never thought of nature as being evil, nor has anyone I've talked to, so there's another example of how Wicca is in no way evil.  As for the whole devil thing- I said it earlier, I'll say it again.  Wiccans do NOT  believe in the devil.  The "devil" was created by the Christian church long ago, to persuade people to become Christian's.  Our God, sometimes called the Horned One, does resemble in a slight way the devil, only because the Christian's designed the devil like the God on purpose.  The Horned One has (obviously) horns, which is a common association with the devil.  But they are NOT one and the same!  And as for the people in this world who go about, calling themselves Witches and threatening to hurt anyone who gets in their way- if they are doing this, then they are not true Witches, and will pay, sadly, for any harm they cause.  Those are just a few examples to show how Wicca is not evil; the full list could be endless!

-Are there holidays?
    You bet!  Through out one year, starting on Samhain (Halloween), there are eight major holidays that mark the different cycles of nature.  The eight Sabbats are, starting with the Witch's new year- Samhain, Yule, Candlemas, Ostara, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, and Autumn Equinox.  Each one plays a part in the continuous cycle of nature, and are explained later on.  Although the holidays are great, Witches need a time to really get stuff done.  This is what Esbats are generally used for- working spells.  Finishing things that need to be get done, or starting things that should be getting started.  Held on usually the three days before and after a full moon, as well as a new moon, Esbats are associated more with the Goddess, but that does not mean you can't honor the God at one.  More on Esbats is also coming up later!

-Who are the Goddess and God?
    Thought of as the Mother and Father, the Goddess and God represent the balance between male and female energy that combine to create the main life force of everything; the All.  There are many different names for them, each name representing a different kind of energy.  For example, if you needed love of some kind, you may call upon the Goddess, but more specifically in the form or Aphrodite.  The God is commonly associated with the Sabbats, and the Goddess with the Esbats.  The reasoning behind all this is located in the section about the Goddess and God, which you can find in the next section!

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