My Other Yankees Website
Player Pics
The Yankees were the American League Champions of 2001! I congradulate the Diamondbacks, especially Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson. I also would like to thank Paul O'neill for retiring while still in pinstripes. He will be greatly missed, as will Scott Brosius and Tino Martinez. Will the Bombers win World Championship number 27?  OF COURSE THEY WILL! Visit this site often for updates!
Yankees.com-The official Yanks website
My  Other Yankees Website-My MSN Bombers site!
           Player Pics-Pictures of the 2002 Yankees (Under Re-Construction)
M.L.B.com-The official website of the Major Leagues

Yankee Knowledge Quiz
Type in the answer to each question. Then click "Next" If you got them right, that proves that you're a
REAL Yankee fan! Good Luck!
1.How many perfect games have
been pitched in Yankee history and who pitched them?
2.In what decade did the Yanks start wearing pinstripes?
3.How old is Yankee Stadium?
4.How old was"The Babe"(Babe Ruth)when he died?
Copyright 2001 Frank Emanuele. All Rights Reseved.
I am in no way associated with the New York Yankees, accept for an occasional chat with the players when at the stadium...
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