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The Tools of the Craft (page 01)

This page will be updated regularly as I learn more from the books I 

am reading, groups I am attending and classes I am taking. 

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Your altar and other tools are very important and should be assembled with care and consideration. While some may spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars setting it all up, it would be just as effective to use a household cup for the chalice (if cleansed and dedicated for the purpose), a cast-iron pot as the cauldron and a pencil for the wand. An athame can be a common kitchen knife, these days it is common for it to have a black handled but it is not a requirement (mine is a brass letter opener that looks like a dagger). I always suggest something natural- wood or metal instead of plastic or synthetic clay. Your pentacle can be drawn on a piece of paper or carved in wood or clay (it is nice if it is heatproof, try a piece of ceramic tile). Don't feel obligated to have to purchase fancy, expensive ones. Tools are visual; symbolic aids that posses no power of their own. The magick comes from you. If it is in your heart and the goal clearly in your mind the tools are only used to focus it. If you do not have some of the tools that are mentioned your spells will still work. Tools are for focusing energy and are not absolutely necessary. Some people use as little as candles with holders, maybe incense, or a pen and paper to write something down and burn during rituals or spells. They will be just as effective as ones done with tools. How meaningful, powerful, and effective any ritual or spell is depends entirely on how much energy/ personal power YOU put into it. Your personal power is the single most important and only necessary tool you need. The tools you acquire should be chosen because you are drawn to them or feel that they will enhance your rituals. They are used as vessels to direct YOUR energy.
Once you have chosen a tool to use for rituals, it should be cleansed and consecrated. Although the tools posses no power of their own, they do carry a special symbolic meaning and your energy. After consecration, they have a purpose and therefore should be only be used for that purpose alone. I enjoy the most is stocking up on the magickal items that I will need to perform ritual work. When you make your own the items will be filled with your personal vibrations. There are a few things to remember when acquiring your tools, especially when you do not know their history prior to your owning them. 1. You should cleanse all of your tools and accessories (including jewelry) prior to using them. This also applies to items you have made yourself. The Tool must then be cleansed to remove all previous influences which may have been attached by another person. The Tool is then consecrated to the Craft ( and the Religion) and so should be used only for that purpose. To spend a month preparing an Athame (pronounced ah-thah-may), and then use it to cut a tomato or to butter your toast with it, it no longer carries any meaning and is considered by most to be sacrilege. Finally, as with most Tools, only the owner is allowed to touch it. Generally, if you charge a Tool and someone else touches it, that person may "short out" the energy that has been invested into that Tool, thus making it worthless. Another person touching it will also leave their energies behind -good or bad they are not your energies and will hamper your magick. 2. You should not use your tools or accessories for anything but magickal purposes or performing rituals. 3. You shouldn't touch another's tools without their permission and don't allow anyone else to touch yours without permission either. Of course if it's a tool for divination such as crystals or tarot cards where it's necessary to work with another persons energy, then touching is permissible. These items may be cleansed as well afterward. Along with the tools described above, it's a good idea to keep a stock of the following other items: candle holders, candles in a wide variety of colors, a good assortment of incense, fabric in various colors to make mojo bags and sachets, a compass, various colors of thread (preferably cotton), herbs, dried plants and spices, salt, and an assortment of jars and bottles to store various herbs and oils. Storing tools The way you store you tools is important, for instance, you should have available wooden boxes, glass jars and ceramic containers. Plastic is ok for the witch who travels a lot, but at home using them should be avoided because air gets inside of them easily and things can leak. Leather pouches and natural fiber pouches are excellent for the keeping of many things such as crystals and tarot cards, wrapping wands, runes and jewelry, and any other items that you want to keep protected from outside forces. The color of the cloth should be either black or dark blue. Something light can't filter it's way into. Conclusion When you shop for, make, or however you acquire your tools, it should be an adventurous and empowering time. The process of collecting them, exchanging and gathering...even making your own strengthens your focus and abilities. So, be creative, adventurous and most of all enjoy yourself!

The Witch has rules of her/his own regarding her/his Tools. They are made, adapted, cleaned, cleansed, consecrated, made Holy, exorcised, stored and a number of other things, to make them the proper objects of the religion. Though rules vary with the Tradition, these are some of the Traditional rules and some of the Traditional tools that are used in Wicca. First of all, although it is best to make your Tool by hand, Tools which are bought are acceptable so long as they are not bargained for. It is said by some that by trying to get a bargain, you are saying that a few dollars are more important than the Goddess. I believe that overpricing items is the merchants way of saying money is more important than the Goddess.

 Brightest Blessings.


Consecrating Your Tools
The purpose of this is to rid the tools of any past associations and negative energy. Then they will be open to your personal energy alone. A consecrated tool is never used for anything other than ritual purposes. There are many ways that this can be done. It is up to you how simple or elaborate you wish this process to be. I personally don't consecrate every tool exactly the same way. The one thing I always feel the need to do after consecration is to have it in contact with my body and be with me for a time. For instance, after I consecrated my tarot cards, I put an elastic band around them and kept them held by my belt next to my skin for a few days and had them under my pillow at night. I then wrapped them in a black cloth and stored them with my other tools. I never saw this in a book or heard of anyone else doing this, I just felt the need to do so. Use your intuition and do what feels right for you. Below is one of many rituals that can be used to consecrate tools.
You will need:
Tools you are consecrating
2 Candles to represent the Goddess (green, white or silver) and the God (red, yellow or gold)
A lighter or matches
The following to represent the Spirits of the four elements:
Earth - North: small bowl of sea salt or earth
Air - East: incense of your choice
Fire - South: red candle
Water - West: small bowl of water (preferably spring water)
Cast the Circle
"In this sacred circle I bring this ____ , to cleanse, consecrate and dedicate it to the service of the Goddess and the God."
Touch the tool in each of the elements starting with Earth, while saying:
"By the spirit and power of (element) purify this _____ ."
Repeat this with the remaining elements, then you are ready to present it to the Goddess and the God.
"Great Goddess, bless this _____ , let it be a vessel of productivity that may be worthy to reside in circle with you. Let it be so bound that no harm may come of it to any being. To thy service, I dedicate this vessel, that it and I may be long of service to thee."
"God, bless this _____ , and keep watch over it. Guard the works which come forth from it, that they harm none and be ever in the service of thee and thy Goddess.
I vow that I shall use it for sacred purposes and none other. I dedicate this _____ to thy service,
So Mote It Be !"
Release the Circle

Making your own tools
Artemis Wiccan Tools Page

My local store
Celebration New Age Store

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Earth Spirit Pagans website

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Some Other Colorado Stores, Groups and Publications

Land of Lorien Metaphysical Book & Healing Center: Niwot, Colorado 

Pagan Awareness League of Colorado
Wings Metaphysical Bookstore, Denver Colorado

The Witches' Voice Colorado
Denver area bookstores

Metaphysical Bookstores in the Denver/Metro Area from Mountain Mysteries

Nexus Colorado's own holistic publication

Pagan Paradise -Colorado Stores

Metaphysical Stores Around The World

Healing Hands Society Healing and Helping Links

stores I found on the web (I have not shopped with them yet)
Gem N