The University for beginners

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  Welcome to the University of Malta. The aim of this page is to welcome you to our University.

Our University is administered by the Students themselves together with other members. The University offers the best educational resources, including a variety of books, audio-visuals, and computer services. Every University student automatically becomes a member of the council of university students (KSU). Besides, students are welcome to join any of the Students’ Organizations. Check out at the KSU office for more information. However the KSU will give you all the basic information as soon as you enter University and is always pleased to help all students.

Some very important advice before go on ... Please be patient with your requests especially in the Faculty Offices, and other administrative offices. Faculty Officers, clerks and lecturers are very BUSY in the first months. University Students rush in with their requests!

In the University there are different courses. Your COURSE may be one of the following

B.Ed (Hons.)

B. Com etc.

Make sure that you have a list of courses provided for academic year 1999/2000

Reading for a particular course implies that you become a member of a FACULTY.

Example, if you are reading for a B.Ed (Hons) then you are in the Faculty of Education.

Each faculty has its own building on campus. Most faculties have their own lecture rooms e.g. Faculty of Engineering.

Other faculty buildings only consist of lecturers and administrative offices inside them, and they do not have their own lecture rooms e.g. Faculty of Education.

Many courses follow a rigid time table at the end of the semester, and all students will follow those particular credits (subjects) e.g. B. Com, while other courses have different areas as in the case of the B. Ed. (Hons).

The University Library

In the University of Malta Library one can find over half a million books and also receives over 1200 journals, and has available local and foreign newspapers on a daily basis. Retrospective conversion has become a necessary process in modern libraries to be efficient. After 1992 the University of Malta Library changed its old ways of stamping and filing cards and now it has an automated circulation and catalog functions. Besides in the Library we also find photocopy service which is frequently used by lecturers and students, CD-ROM reference, online searching from foreign databases and of course a web page. Many books are bar coded and can be easily retrieved from the OPACS, even by means of the Internet.

Students' House

. Old Humanities


Resource Centre

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