explains why and when the ancestors of Aryans and most other races left Africa and settled where they were 500 years ago.

This file (page #9) was created on May 12, 1997 and is my commentary on the article "The Early History of Indo-European Languages" by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. IVANOV in Scientific American, March 1990, P.110, which I discovered a few days ago (while searching on Internet for a chart listing Indo-European languages).

Amidst the following quotes (starting about 60% into "The Early History of Indo-European Languages"), my comments are italicized:


"The landscape described by the reconstructed Indo-European protolanguage is mountainous"

Canaan is a ridge of mountains running from the Sinai northward along the eastern Mediterranean. It is Canaan's mountains which trapped the rainfall that created the forests and wild grasses (wheat and barley) of Canaan.

"—as evidenced by the many words for high mountains, mountain lakes and rapid rivers flowing from mountain sources. Such a picture cannot be reconciled with either the plains of central Europe or the steppes north of the Black Sea, which have been advanced as an alternative homeland for the Indo-Europeans. The vocabulary does, however, fit the landscape of eastern Anatolia and Transcaucasia, backed by the splendor of the Caucasus Mountains. The language clothes its landscape in the flora of this region, having words for "mountain oak," "birch," "beech," "hornbeam," "ash," "willow" or"white willow," "yew," "pine" or"fir," "heather" and "moss." Moreover, the language has words for animals that are alien to northern Europe: "leopard," "snow leopard," "lion," "monkey" and "elephant."

Canaan's mountains are closest to Africa, where the above animals are most common. Climatic zones and their flora and fauna have shifted north since the peak of the Last Ice Age (about 18 KYA, when Hamites first settled in Canaan and began collecting, then cultivating grains, which made possible the beginning of the permanent settlements which led to the domestication - Aryan civilization - of the savage Hamites that had come from the Sahara's Sahel).

Before the retreat of the glaciers of the last Ice Age, Anatolia (like the Alps) had fierce winters and heavy snowfall, which blocked for many millenia the advance of Canaan's agricultural civilization north into the homelands of the Cro-Magnon races (Semites, etc.), not that fur-coated Canaanites disgusted with the trials and tribulations of civilization (over-population and starvation during droughts, savage raids by the then horseless Semite herd-followers, etc.) did not often emigrate northward in search of big game.

My comments above apply equally to the following quotes:

"The presence of a word for "beech tree," incidentally, has been cited in favor of the European plains and against the lower Volga as the putative Indo -European homeland. Beech trees, it is true, do not grow east of a line drawn from Gdansk on the Baltic to the northwest corner of the Black Sea. Two species of beech ( Fagus orientatis and F. sylvatica) flourish, however, in modern Turkey. Opposing the so-called beech argument is the oak argument: paleobotanical evidence shows that oak trees (which are listed in the reconstructed language's lexicon) were not native to postglacial northern Europe but began to spread there from the south as late as the turn of the fourth to the third millennium B.C."

"The postulated homeland of the Indo-Europeans is, if not the only region, certainly one of the regions in which the horse completed its domestication and was harnessed as a draft animal in the fourth millennium B.C."

Did Fertile Crescent civilization (all Hamitic/Aryan in race, origins, and language) first see HORSES being ridden by Semitic herdsmen during savage and devastating attacks on its farms, beginning at its weakest outpost, in south-eastern Mesopotamia, only a few centuries after the Summerian "invention" of writing (when do carvings in stone become "writing"?), about the beginning of the third millenium B.C.?

The horse made possible the Semitic conquest of the budding outposts of Aryan civilization in Mesopotamia (like Ur, Nineveh, etc.), and the replacement of its Aryan language by Semitic.

The complete replacement of Aryan languages by Semitic in areas of Aryan civilization like Mesopotamia and Canaan is (like the Bible) evidence of the brutality and genocidal savagery of the Semites who conquered them.

This replacement of Aryan languages with Semitic languages has strengthened the arguments of those who claim that the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Canaan, etc. were Semitic, not Hamitic/Aryan.

Would these same confused interpreters of the past also be claiming also that the ancient Egyptian civilization was Semitic, if the Hamitic population of ancient Egypt had not so outnumbered its Semitic conquerors?

"Moreover, the Semitic and Indo-European languages each identify man with the earth. In Hebrew, adam means "man" . . "

Adam was the first king of the Aryan dynasty which at first only ruled the territory of present day Kurds (Kurds are Aryans who have so far survived the Semites) in the fourth millennia BC.

It is from the temples and priests of conquered Mesopotamian Hamites (biblical Cush) that Semites got their story of the first man, whom they called "Adam", because Adam was the first king on the list of Aryan kings which were found in these Cushitic (Aryan) temples. These same king lists survived because they became part of the sacred scriptures of the Aryans who fled to India.

Was unity against the threat of Semitic conquest what convinced the pre-dynastic Egypotian clans to accept rule by this same dynasty (but to no avail)?

The Semitic rulers of Mesopotamia had prospered enough by the time of Abraham (4 KYA) to conquer the Egyptians, who called Semites "HYKSOS" (in comparison to the civilization and wealth of Egypt, was Canaan's civilization too small a prize?).

After centuries of oppression by the Hyksos government, Amosis I united the Egyptian clans and expelled the Semitic government (despite its terrible atrocities, like the killing of all first-born Hamitic children, and turning the Nile red with Egyptian blood, etc.?).

After the Hyksos herdsmen (which included the Hebrew tribe), had fled north into the desert, according to the Bible, they began to seize and ethnically cleanse the nations of Canaan of non-Semites (to prevent the necessity of another "Exodus"?). The abandonment of Canaan by a civilized race led to its delapidation (as it does in US neighborhoods today).

Hamitic/Aryan civilization in the Fertile Crescent never recovered from its conquest by the great Semitic empires (Chaldeans, Hyksos, Assyrians, etc.) which ruled Aryan civilizations until they collapsed.

Aryan civilization has flickered back to life again wherever Aryans have found temporary refuge in the East (Persia, India, etc.) and in the West (Europe), but never with the same magnificence and creativity as in its earliest beginnings.

The Bible refers to 11 or more distinct Hamitic NATIONS of Canaan, implying 11 or more seperate linguistic, etc. entities. I estimate their divergence to have begun after civilization had well-established its basic survival agricultural, etc. technology, by about 10 KYA.

Since the horse was not available to civilzation until about the third millenia BC, could variations of the word "horse" have spread with its introduction throughout all the Aryan languages, long after the beginning of the divergence of Aryan languages into distinct dialects/languages (in the same way that high-tech English words are used throughout our present world)?

"The rooting of the IndoEuropean languages in eastern Anatolia is also suggested by the frequency of words borrowed from a number of languages that flourished there: Semitic, Kartvelian, Sumerian and even Egyptian. Conversely, Indo-European contributed words to each of those languages. Nickolai 1. Vavilov, a prominent Soviet plant geneticist, found a vivid instance of such an exchange: the Russian vinograd ("grape"), the Italic vino and the Germanic wein ("wine"). These all reach back to the Indo-European *woi-no (or *wei-no), the proto-Semitic *wajnu, the Egyptian *wns, the Kartvelian *wing and the Hittite *wijana."

Do the above two sentences even better support my Theory that Canaan was the homeland of Aryan civilization?

"We concede that in the broad territory in which we have placed he homeland of the Indo-Europeans there is no archaeological evidence of a culture that can be positively linked to them."

Is such evidence in Canaan and the other centers of civilization in the Fertile Crescent, where it is being rapidly and wantonly destroyed by commercial development in Lebanon, etc.?

"Archaeologists have identified, however, a number of sites that bear evidence of a material and spiritual culture similar to the one implied by the Indo-European lexicon. The Halafian culture of northern Mesopotamia decorated its vessels with religious symbols—bulls' horns and sometimes rams' heads, which are masculine symbols, and ritual images of leopard skins—that are shared by the somewhat later Catal Huyuk culture of the seventh millennium B.C. in western Anatolia. Both cultures have affinities with the later Transcaucasian culture in the region embraced by the Kura and the Araks rivers, which includes southern Transcaucasia, eastern Anatolia end northern Iran." All pre-Judaic Aryan religions throughout time and space, whether in Egypt, Canaan, Mesopotamia, Persia, or Europe, etc. have used the sun as a symbol of life (God), as did the Hamitic ancestors of Aryans before they left Africa about 20 KYA, on Saharan rock carvings.

After the invention of writing, written Aryan languages symbolized the sun with a crosses (swastikas, etc.) depicting the sun's rays, and with a dot, or circle, depicting the universality and all-inclusiveness of God in living beings. For many millenia Aryans as far west as Ireland and as far east as China (Tocharians) have engraved their sacred swastikas on their grave stones.

Almost since its beginning Aryan civilization has struggled with savage Semites. Aryans have depicted as wolves, snakes, and other wild threats to their families. By contrast Aryans have depicted their families and civilization as domesticated animals, like swans, bulls, horses, unicorns, etc. This conflict between civilized Aryans and Semitic savages has been depicted as wolves, etc. attacking these domesticated animals. Aryan government was depicted as the defenders of civilization by slaying these wild animals.

For several millennia Judaism and its spinoff religions like Christianity and Mohamedism have tried to suppress and supplant Aryan religions, by violence, genocide, etc. All Aryan religions and many sacred Aryan religious symbols have been vilified as being part of the worship of Satan, idols, etc.

The conquest and gradual extinction of Aryan civilization and religions began with a small minority of the "White" race, which has therefore had to incorporate many non-judeo-christian-muslim-marxist, etc. religious symbols, like the cross, the Easter rabbit, the solar holidays (like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.) along the way, until they can be completely erradicated.

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