All about me

(applied egocentrism)


A line of argumentation occurs to me like so: This is my webpage. It is made by, about, and for ME (well, not exactly JUST for me, but let's not get bogged down in technicalities before we've even started). As a direct logical consequence, I thought that it would be a good idea to babble about me a little bit. Incidentally, some would likely see this as proof that comming from me, the words "good idea" and "I thought" do not belong in the same sentence.

The Pic to the right here is in fact "of" me, although how closely it actually resembles me is more up for debate. Let's say you likely wouldn't recognize me on the street from this ;)

Regardless, for those so addicted to the web that they feel compelled to read any drivel we lunatics post, here goes:

My name is alex, I was born in England quite a lot of days ago, and moved to Canada when I was about 12 (years, you idiot). While I spend a lot of time throwing about my multi-million dollar investment portfolio, in my waking hours I am a student at the University of Toronto.

Currently this involves doing a double major in psychology and sociology although I keep agonizing about doing a psych specialist. However this would unfortunately involve taking all the psych courses that They want from now until eternity, and I must admit that this doesn't really appeal. Furthermore, I'm not really convinced that this move would make a practical differences to my odds of getting into a grad skule (this being my immediate future aim).
Actually, to update this a little bit, I've now almost finnished my undergrad (with psych MAJOR firmly in place), and have been accepted to one or two grad schools, and am trying to pick one. These means that I'll go get advanced degrees in social psychology, which will allow me to stop making sense (in as much as I do now at all).

Actually, to update this STILL further (it's like a diary, but it gets updated every few years rather than days, and it's only slightly more informative than a reading of my coffee leaves (did I mention that I don't drink coffee... and it's not made from leaves?). Well enough about educating *you*, as regards *my* education, I'm now well into my second year of grad school at Waterloo. Here I get to study things with exciting names like "culture" and "stereotype activation" and "procedural knowledge". Oh, I'm also now the Resdience Advisor at Minota Hagey, the UW graduate residence. This is a source of much funness, and a lot of small chores. I can tell you're already overwhelmed by the sheer visceral thrill of hearing about it, so I'll let you get back to reading the stuff I wrote... good heavens, must be something like four years ago (it's admitedly rather out of date by now, but then some people spend their whole lives trying to get just one good date, so it's really doing ok, comparatively).

In terms of hobbies, I've long been into Role Playing Games, such as Mage the Ascension (most xlent game), Rifts, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, etc. More recently, I've gotten into debating, which is wadges of fun. I have actually stood in front of judges at debating tournaments, and argued that Cayote and Roadrunner should come to an amicable aggreement. The argument basically went that poor cayote was constantly having his brains smashed out, while road runner is now so stressed out from constant attempts on his life that his vocabulary has been reduced to the words "beep beep". In fact, in some recent shows he's even been brought down to just a single "beep". Furthermore, Coyote has to have been single handedly keeping the dangerous ACME corp in business, and it is a well known fact that not ONE of their products has EVER worked correctly.

Well, I'm off to find something better to do (haha), or at least something that will earn me more money than making this web page is doing (unless of course, one of you out there has a neurotic tendency to mail large sums of money out indiscriminantely... but I'm not holding my breath).

Go look at the rest of this page instead. If you've already looked at all the rest of it, then either go and look at it again, or indiscriminantely mail me a lot of money :)

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