Asgard's Realm - Graphics Credits

Create FREE graphics at This site allows you to create your own banners, etc. They give you some samples, and you modify them to your delight. Pretty cool, if you ask me. =)
AAA Buttons - Free buttons !! This is where I got many of the buttons for the site. They use to create buttons on the fly with their graphics. Create any buttons you want.
??? I realize this looks kind of funny, but I am currently unable to give credit where credit is due. I found the black and gold dragon banner used in various places on the site somewhere on the net - and now I can't find it again... if anyone runs across the site, please let me know.
Black Dragon This is just one of the coolest dragon sites I've ever been to. He draws all kinds of original artwork. It's mostly dragons, but there are various other things mixed in there. Thanks to Kevin (Malathar) Palivec for many of the dragons on this site.
Active Web Design I found many nifty background images and bits of clip art here. Now, if only I spoke German...

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