
Well, I guess I should start out with the basics. My name is not Rixia, though I wish it was. It's a whole lot better than my real name. Which just happens to be Kristen Shusterman. Kind of long and tongue twisting, isn't it?

I live in Oregon, but I'm not going to tell you where, cause I know there are are a lot of weirdos out there.

I have short red hair, I guess it's about the color of the text you're reading right now. I just shaved my head about a month ago, and I think I'll put a picture up soon of it. I'm also thinking about dyeing my hair gold for the Hallow. Tell me what you would think. I have brown eyes, and dark brown eye brows, which make people think that I dye my hair red, but I don't!! I swear to it!

The school I go to is horrible, and I can't wait to get out the hell hole that they call the public school system. I'm thinking about becoming an Astronomy Professor, but actually I have no idea what I want to be. I get pretty good grades, mostly A's and some B's here and there...mostly in the demon class that they call health. Hey, they brain wash you in that class. My teacher thinks I'm suicidal because I wear pentacles around my neck. Oh well, idoits will be idoits.

I have some other interests, I like the trapeze, and at the moment I'm taking a Circus class, and learning to hang, spin and swing on the magical thing called the trapeze. I also sing, and everyone says I have a sweet voice...even though I am a soprano. While on the subject of singing, the singers/bands that I really like are as following, but in no paticular order; Counting Crows, Ani DeFranco, Matchbox 20, Sarah McLachlan, Dandy Warhols, Tori Amos, the Cranberries, Sublime, Smashmouth and THE BEATLES!!! Kind of a weird combination, I know, but that's just who I am. My friends like the same sort of music, so I guess we're all okay. I, unfortunatly, have a mortal hatred of Jewel and Sheryl Crow, though why, I really can't explain.

I like to write, and wonder about the universe. Rain is good, and I tend to shrink away from the sun, which is good because here in Oregon we have a whole lot of rain. Though at the moment it's sunny and kind of hot (and imagine, in September!). I am very, incredebly liberal, and my friends are kind of freaked out by some time. But that's okay. Actually I've found most teenagers to be really liberal, but they're afraid to express themselves. Especially on the issue of sexuality. I'm not sure what I am, but I have a feeling I'm bi, just because I could go one way or another, and as most people who know me well know, I have the biggest crush on a certain Scotish actor named Denis Lawson.

Okay, okay, I'm getting tired of typing, and you're probably getting tired of listening to me, and so I'll shut up. But thanks for hearing about moi.

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