About "Jerusalem Song"

Song Of Jerusalem (Jerusalem Of Gold)

The song, "Jerusalem of Gold", was written in the year 1967 before the Six Day War, when Jerusalem was still divided. A few days after the song was first heard, Jerusalem finally united and the words of the song were changed to reflect this.

This recording is the original made in 1967.

            Lyrics and Music: Naomi Shemer
            Song by: Shuly Nathan

 Go to Jerusalem Song home page

"Jerusalem Song" on this web site is a sound bite that is about one minute and 18 seconds in length. I have uploaded this file several times and still have problems with it not playing entirely. You may want to save it, (jeru_song.au), to your hard drive by clicking your right mouse button and listen later.

Email your comments to  plants-of-old@juno.com


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